Site Map
From IGEP - ISEE Wiki
The main structure at the IGEP Community Wiki is:
- Tutorials: Basic and introductory pages to the IGEP Technology devices.
IGEP Technology devices
- IGEP Technology devices: Main pages of IGEP Technology devides at the IGEP Community Wiki.
How to forge
- How to forge: user-friendly tutorial about almost IGEP Technology topics.
- Boot loaders: IGEP X-loader, U-boot, X-loader, etc.
- Communications: Communications via Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooh, UART, USB, etc.
- Gstreamer: Gstreamer, pipelines, IGEP GST Framework, etc.
- Hardware: Hardware tricks and tutorials.
- Software: Basic software tricks and tutorials.
- Software applications: Examples of real applications with IGEP Technology.
- Software distributions: How to get many software distributions, including Android and Ubuntu.
- The Linux Kernel: Many articles related to the Linux Kernel.
- IGEP Community: The maintenance page of the IGEP Community Wiki.