Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine

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Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine

Overview of How-To

This How-To is meant to be a starting point for people who use the Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine and wants to learn how to add some enhancements to the VM.


  • Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine
  • IGEP v2 board with factory defaults.

Feedback and Contributing

At any point, if you see a mistake you can contribute to this How-To.

Virtual Machine Enhancements

Software updates

Upgrade the Poky's SDK

Backup current SDK

$ mv /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc.20090721

and replace with the new SDK

$ mkdir tmpdir
$ cd tmpdir
$ wget http://downloads.igep.es/poky/purple-3.2/v3.2.1-0/sdk/poky-eabi-glibc-i586-arm-toolchain-sdk-3.2.1.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf poky-eabi-glibc-i586-arm-toolchain-sdk-3.2.1.tar.bz2
$ mv usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc /usr/local/poky

Note that with the change in the poky SDK all the lines

$ source /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/arm/environment-setup

should become

$ source /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/environment-setup-arm-none-linux-gnueabi

Rootfs demos using an NFS-TFTP environment for IGEP v2

The simplest way to create a new NFS-TFTP environment for IGEP v2 is to use an already working filesystem and pre-built kernel image. Pre-built images are also available.

poky-image-minimal-mtdutils - A small image, just enough to allow a device to boot

Download and install the root filesystem image (poky-image-minimal-mtdutils-igep0020.cpio) as root on the NFS server,

$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils/igep0020
$ cd /srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils/igep0020
$ sudo wget http://downloads.igep.es/poky/purple-3.2/v3.2.1-0/images/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils-igep0020.rootfs.cpio
$ sudo cpio -idm < poky-image-minimal-mtdutils-igep0020.rootfs.cpio

Download and copy a pre-built kernel image to poky-image-minimal project

$ sudo wget http://downloads.igep.es/poky/purple-3.2/v3.2.1-0/kernel/uImage-2.6.28-r4-igep0020-20100331100327.bin
$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils/igep0020
$ sudo mv uImage-2.6.28-r4-igep0020-20100331100327.bin /srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils/igep0020/
$ sudo ln -s uImage-2.6.28-r4-igep0020-20100331100327.bin /srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils/igep0020/uImage

Export the directory tree with an entry in /etc/exports file editing with your preferred editor, like

/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-minimal-mtdutils/igep0020   *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,sync)

and restart the NFS server

$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Now, you can power up your board, stop at u-boot, set the project variable point to poky-image-minimal-mtdutils and boot via NFS

# setenv machine igep0020
# setenv project poky-image-minimal-mtdutils
# run nfs-boot

poky-image-sato - X11 image with Sato theme and Pimlico applications.

Download and install the root filesystem image (poky-image-sato-igep0020.cpio) as root on the NFS server,

$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020
$ cd /srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020
$ sudo wget http://downloads.igep.es/poky/purple-3.2/v3.2.1-0/images/poky-image-sato-igep0020.rootfs.cpio
$ sudo cpio -idm < poky-image-sato-igep0020.rootfs.cpio

Download and copy a pre-built kernel image to poky-image-minimal project

$ sudo wget http://downloads.igep.es/poky/purple-3.2/v3.2.1-0/kernel/uImage-2.6.28-r4-igep0020-20100331100327.bin
$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020
$ sudo mv uImage-2.6.28-r4-igep0020-20100331100327.bin /srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020/
$ sudo ln -s uImage-2.6.28-r4-igep0020-20100331100327.bin /srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020/uImage

Export the directory tree with an entry in /etc/exports file editing with your preferred editor, like

/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020   *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,sync)

and restart the NFS server

$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Now, you can power up your board, stop at u-boot, set the project variable point to poky-image-sato and boot via NFS