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622 bytes added, 11:45, 26 February 2014
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== Improve the fast boot setup ==
It's possible improve the results doing some modifications:
* Disable the IGEP-X-Loader serial prints (-0.1 sec)
* The kernel is flashed uncompressed over a 6 MiB partition and IGEP-X-Loader load whole partition, we can get it small due the kernel with this setup takes 3.7 MiB (-0.25 sec)
* Disable some drivers at boot and load it after initial boot such (Video -0.35 sec, ethernet -0.02 sec)
* Create a Small footprint rootfs ubi partition or use other format faster (variable: -0.2 to -0.6 sec)
== Software ==
You can test the fast boot setup the software package it's located here