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884 bytes added, 13:39, 30 January 2013
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== Technical ==
This is the most interesting feature of the web application demo. By clicking on "Technical" icon you will get access to the heart of the radar. You will be able to make measurements with the modulation you want, by simply&nbsp; prompting the parameters on the rectangles.<br>   There are three sections: SECTION-1: RADAR CALIBRATION This feature is for advanced measurements and we do not recommend to use on this chapter. It will be explained later. SECTION-2: RADAR MEASUREMENT This feature is interesting if you want to use the web application demo as a console where you can configure the radar with different modulations and get the results prompted on the screen or saved on a text file. For example, put in this section the next commands: -T 800 -m 16 -w -T 800 means you want a modulation with 0,8ms sweep time -m 16 means that you want to make 16 consecutive measurements -w means that you want to write the captures on a file (there will be generated 16 files, one for each measurement, and each one with 2048 samples) You can check a complete explanation of each parameter on the user manual of the radar.         RADAR CONTINUOUS MODE
== Next Steps ==