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User:Pau pajuelo

394 bytes added, 18:22, 22 August 2012
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'''NOTE:''' You should have the usbnet module available for your Linux kernel. On most distributions, this is the case by default. If this is not the case for your distribution, you will need to enable USB networking support in the kernel. If you build your own kernel then you want 'CDC Ethernet support' in USB Network adaptors.
*In the file /etc/network/interfaces, you should add :<pre>iface usb0 inet dhcp</pre> *Plug an USB Type-A to USB Type-A mini cable between your host PC and the USB OTG from IGEP device. Use a section which looks like thispowered USB Hub if you use IGEP COM MODULE or PROTON.*If you use IGEP&nbsp;SDK&nbsp;VM you need to attach the [http: // removable device] RNDIS driver.*Type in a terminal:<pre>sudo ifup usb0</pre>*Revise that:<pre>a </pre>
<pre>iface usb0 inet dhcp</pre>
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