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User:Pau pajuelo

13 bytes added, 12:40, 22 August 2012
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Upgrade <span dir="ltr">IGEP Technology Devices Guides</span>
Link all development tools documentation when possible
== Overview<br> ==
This How-To is meant to be a starting point for people to learn use UART for IGEPv2 devices as quickly and easily as possible. In this how-to, we use [ Linaro Headless] with [[Linux Kernel 2.6.35.y|Kernel 2.6.35.y]] and [ UART test program]
[[Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers#How_many_UARTs_are_available.3F|More information]]
== Feedback and Contributing ==
At any point, if you see a mistake you can contribute to this How-To.
== Preparing IGEP ==
=== Configure UART1 and UART3 in IGEP with RS232 levels on J960 connector ===
== Schematics ==
=== RS232 Schematic Igep V2 ===
== Compile and run program ==
Download [ program source].
Once you have installed module. Compile program using your Cross Compiler, I used arm-linux-gnueabi-:
<pre>arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc uart-test-beta1.c -o uart-test-beta1 </pre>
== Testing UART ==
Some tests do it:
= Getting started with IGEPv2 Expansion<br> =
The IGEPv2 Expansion connects to the IGEPv2 Board through J990, JA41, JA42, JC30 and J960 connectors. Some IGEPv2 Expansion may include three jumpers, you should remove it because they are designed for test and lab purposes. Just take a look on the figure below to mount it:<br>
{| aligncellspacing="center1" cellspacingcellpadding="1" cellpaddingwidth="1200" border="1" widthalign="200center"
| [[Image:Igepv2expconnectoigepv2.PNG|268px]]<br>
{| aligncellspacing="right1" cellspacingcellpadding="1" cellpaddingwidth="1363" border="1" widthalign="363right"
| [[Image:Igepv2expconnecttovga.jpg|150px]]
This output is controled by MICROCHIP MCP2515. J703 is a 3.5 mm pitch terminal blocks 4 Positions:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" borderwidth="1350" widthborder="3501"
| Signal Name
{| aligncellspacing="right1" cellspacingcellpadding="1" cellpaddingwidth="1200" border="1" widthalign="200right"
| [[Image:IGEP0022 Modem with antenna.png|200px]]
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" borderwidth="1200" widthborder="2001"
| [[Image:IGEPV2EXPCHMDB9.png|250px]]
'''Know more'''<br>
You can use other programs like [[How_to_setup_tvp5151_video_decoderHow to setup tvp5151 video decoder|yavta]]<br>
== How to use EEPROM ==
[[Category:UART]] [[Category:IGEP_Technology_Devices_Guides]]