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User:Pau pajuelo

163 bytes added, 16:56, 20 August 2012
no edit summary
== Open Eclipse IDE ==
Eclipse binaries are located in ~/eclipse directory, follow the next instructions to open it:<br>
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="200" border="1"
| [[Image:Eclipse_openEclipse open.png|331px]]| [[Image:Eclipse_loadingEclipse loading.png|331px]]
| [[Image:Eclipse_set_workspaceEclipse set workspace.png|331px]]| [[Image:Eclipse_workspaceEclipse workspace.png|331px]]|} '''<sup>Click to enlarge image</sup>'''  == Update Eclipse IDE == Follow the next instructions to update it:  {| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="200" border="1"|-| | | |-| | |
'''<sup>Click to enlarge image</sup>'''
== Set up a connection between IGEP and Host computer (under construcion) ==