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User:Pau pajuelo

681 bytes added, 19:49, 3 July 2012
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= Hello world compiled with ECLIPSE<br> =
If you follow "Getting started chapter" you have compiled some source example programs for ECLIPSE, these programs use Autotools to generate binary code for IGEP. Now is time to compile your Helloworld using ECLIPSE IDE without using autotools. === Create your new project: === Open ECLIPSE-&gt;File-&gt;New-&gt;C Project  At C Project Window:  Yocto Project ADT Project -&gt;Empty Project  Insert your project name and finish. At Project explorer panel you will see your project name  === Create your source files: === Go to New C/C++ Source File button and write at "Source file:" field your source file name, for example main.c. Finish the assistant and copy the next code at this file: <pre>#include &lt;stdio.h&gt; int main(void){ printf("Hello world\n"); return 0;} </pre> Save file.  Follow the instructions above and create a Source File name Makefile and copy the next code:<pre>put code </pre>