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User:Pau pajuelo

380 bytes added, 18:55, 3 July 2012
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== Overview ==
This How-To ECLIPSE IDE is a software development environtment, this software package is meant very popular because you can extend its functionalities installing pluggins. At IGEP v3.0 VM Eclipse includes Linux tools and Yocto plugin to develop C applications for IGEP firmware.  C source code applications can be compiled in Eclipse using a starting point for people Makefile or Autoconf tools. Autoconf tools can be useful if you want to learn develop a huge application with a lot of dependencies, but this method can be tedious if you want to compile C programs using ECLIPSE IDE installed in IGEP SDK v3.0 Virtual Machine develop a simple application as quickly and easily as possible. In this how-to, we use:
*VMware or VirtualBox virtualization software