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The IGEP X-loader

7 bytes removed, 22:54, 2 March 2012
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#x-loader.bin.ift (you must rename this file to MLO before copy it) / This is a signed image using contrib/signGP tool
#x-loader configuration file [;a=blob;f=scripts/igep.ini;h=7ecda91b2716d8984d48fa6c5eb5c74b8f0b0959;hb=HEAD igep.ini] also you can change the configuration file name editing the file: [;a=blob;f=include/configs/igep0020-sdcardigep00x0.h igep00x0.h] (#define IGEP_BOOT_CFG_INI_FILE "igep.ini")
#Your desired kernel image.
'''kernel build command example''':
<pre>$make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- zImage modules
=== Second Partition ===