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How to set up UART2 in J990

1 byte added, 18:45, 25 January 2012
no edit summary
= Fast Mode<br> =
Fast Mode: set up UART2 until system reboot or halt. Using user space to configure mux and disable bluethoot. Default kernel&nbsp; has disabled TWL4030 PCM voice interface output pins to high impedance, otherwise this module forces the level of mcbsp3_fsx and mcbsp3_clkx pins. To make sure, go to ~/sound/soc/codecs/twl4030.c file already read: <br>
<pre> 0x04, /* REG_VOICE_IF (0xF) */</pre>
=== Configure IGEP ===
Go to /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/<br>
Set sdmmc2_dat5 to GPIO137 gpio137 (mode 4):
<pre>echo 0x004 &gt; sdmmc2_dat5 </pre>
Check that:
If you don't have it, you should export Gpio137gpio137: <br>
<pre>echo 137 &gt; /sys/class/gpio/export </pre>
Set GPIO 137 gpio137 to low value to reset bluethoot:
<pre>echo 0 &gt; /sys/class/gpio/gpio137/value</pre>
Check that:
signals: mcbsp3_dr | uart2_rts | NA | NA | gpio_141 | hsusb3_tll_data5 | NA | safe_mode
=== Test UART2 in J990<br> ===