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How to use UARTs

198 bytes added, 10:52, 19 January 2012
no edit summary
This How-To is meant to be a starting point for people to learn use UART for IGEP v2 devices as quickly and easily as possible. In this how-to, we use a program'''(upload source code)''', executed twice in separated progres at the same IGEP.  Its function is get a number from UART, increase it and send result via other UART, the result will be a infinite loop between 2 UARTs. This program was tested in [ Linaro Headless] with [[Linux Kernel 2.6.35.y|Kernel 2.6.35.y]].
Note: This program include have a debug option using GPIOs to debug via <span lang="en" class="short_text" id="result_box"><span class="hps">oscilloscope</span></span> the Kernel latencies between "write" and "select" functions.<br>
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