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Peripherals Summary

32 bytes added, 12:37, 24 November 2011
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[[How to use UARTs]]
=== GPIO ===
GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) is a generic pin on a chip whose behavior (including whether it is an input or output pin) can be controlled (programmed) through software. Some Omap GPIO&nbsp;characteristics are:<br>
- Set the data input and output direction<br>- Configure GPIO pin to high or low states.<br>- Configure GPIO pins for interrupt control<br>- Enable and disable interrupts<br>- Enable and disable wakeup capability per GPIO pin.
Omap use CMOS voltage levels (1V8) and the pads are connected directly to it.
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[[How to use GPIOs]] Example: [[What can I do with IGEP0020#How_to_handle_the_gpio-LED.27s]]
=== SPI ===
Under construction
[[How to use SPI]]
=== BSP ===
=== I2C ===
[[How to use I2C]]   Under construction