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How to boot from MicroSD Card

82 bytes added, 18:54, 2 June 2011
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You can follow this other howto about [[The Linux kernel|how compile and install the Linux Kernel]].
In our case we build the kernel sources from zero:<br>
<pre>a) Clone the Kernel git repository
$/home/jdoe/linux-omap-2.6&gt; make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- zImage modules
</pre>Notes: The kernel binary resides inside the directory: $/home/jdoe/linux-omap-2.6/arch/arm/boot/'''zImage'''
We will use the [ linaro headless] image as rootfs but you can use your favorite rootfs also.
Copy "linaro-m-headless-tar-20101108-2.tar.gz" file inside the /media directory and untar the file
<pre>$ media &gt; sudo tar xvfz linaro-m-headless-tar-20101108-2.tar.gz</pre> <br> Now you should see inside your rootfs partition a similar structure like this.<br>
=== [[Image:Linaro RootFS.png|thumb|center]]Install the kernel modules<br> ===
Now you should see inside your rootfs partition a similar structure like this.<br> === [[Image:Linaro_RootFS.png|thumb|center]]Install the kernel modules<br> === Now you should install your kernel modules inside your root file system.<br>
<pre>$ media &gt; cd /home/jdoe/linux-omap-2.6
$ /home/jdoe/linux-omap-2.6&gt; sudo make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/media/binary
</pre>=== Install the kernel Image<br> ===
Just copy the zImage inside your boot partition, remember before that you must mount your mmc boot partition.<br>
<pre>$ /home/jdoe/linux-omap-2.6&gt; sudo cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /media/boot/
</pre>Now we're ready for test our new microsd cardAfter that you can unmount the boot &amp; rootfs partitions.<br>
Now we're ready for test our new microsd car<br>