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How to boot from MicroSD Card

638 bytes added, 09:54, 1 June 2011
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*The processor must load a first program called '''MLO''', this program must reside in the first partition, this program it's also called '''x-loader.'''
''The processor ONLY load and execute the MLO program and ignore all the rest.'' Prerequisites ==
*PC with Linux (We use for this how to Ubuntu 11.04*MicroSD Card (4 Gbytes - class 4)*Tools such, fdisk, mkfs.ext3, mkfs.vfat , gparted ...
= Preparing the microSD card =
Insert a new microsd card in your PC, you should see in your dmesg somthing like this after insert a new microsd card: <pre>mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 0001mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 00000 3.79 GiBmmcblk0: unknown partition table</pre>Ensure all in your microsd card it's erased:<br><pre>$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs= Preparing 1024 count=1024[sudo] password for jdoe:1024+0 records in1024+0 records out1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.43556 s, 2.4 MB/s</pre>We will use the microSD card =gparted program for create the partitions, if you don't have this program installed then you must install it with this command:
Insert a new microsd card in your PC, you should see in your dmesg somthing like this:sudo apt-get install gparted
mmc0When the install procedure ends you can call the program from your system tools menu or directly using a terminal console. [[Image: new high speed SDHC card at address 0001Gparted_initial.png|thumb|center]]<br>mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 00000 3.79 GiB <br>mmcblk0: unknown partition table <br>