How to use Telit Modem

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Telit modem is not supported by default in IGEPv2 Expansion and IGEP Berlin.


Configure this adding following kernel cmdline parameter


Power up Modem

  • Power up the modem using the next commands:

IGEPv2 Expansion:

echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio140/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio141/value
sleep 1
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio141/value
  • Once the modem is on (led near SIM card reader , is blinking now), you can interact with it via UART 2.


echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio145/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio163/value
sleep 1
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio163/value
  • Once the modem is on (led near power button is blinking now), you can interact with it via UART 2.

You can use Microcom to comunicate with it from the serial debug console:

microcom -s 115200 /dev/ttyO1
  • To check the modem status use the command:
  • Answer should be OK.
  • Now unlock it by inserting your SIM card PIN number. Use the command:
  • If you correctly inserted the PIN number, the answer should be OK. If you fail more than 3 times, your SIM card will lock and you will have to insert PUK number.
  • Now you are ready to use the GSM/GPS modem.


If you successfully followed the previous instructions, you are ready to test the GSM/GPRS modem. Here are some examples:

You can check the complete list of AT commands at the Official manufacturer Software User Guide.

Test received signal strength

Use the instruction:


The answer should be: +CSQ: X,0, where X is the signal strenght. For example 12 is poor and 18 is good. If the answer is +CSQ:99,99 you should check your coverage or use an antenna

Making a phone call

Use the instruction, replace number_to_call with your number:

atd number_to_call

Press any key to end call

NOTE: If "NO CARRIER" message appears, check your coverage or use an antenna.

Sending a SMS

First of all, you need to configure the SMS format type. Telit GE865 GSM/GPRS supports PDU format and Text format. We use Text format. Type the following command:


There are so many ways in this modem to send a message. Here you have a simple example. Use the instruction, replace destination_number with your number:

at+cmgs= destination_number
> insert here your text message

When you are ready to send your message use Ctrl+Z to send it.

If you want to cancel or restart the message press ESC.

NOTE: If "NO CARRIER" message appears, check your coverage or use an antenna.

NOTE: Don't use special characters in SMS text message like <`´'">.

Know more

Here you have the official manuals from the manufacturer's webpage: