How to use GPIOs

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This How-To is meant to be a starting point for people to learn use GPIOs for IGEP v2 devices as quickly and easily as possible. For this how-to i used Linaro Headless with Kernel 2.6.35.y, Ubuntu 10.04 with Linaro Toolchain, IGEP v2 RC5 and GPIO driver wrote by Dave Hylands.

There are more ways to use GPIOs in IGEP v2, but this one is very simple.

Feedback and Contributing

At any point, if you see a mistake you can contribute to this How-To.

Compile GPIO driver source code via Host

Download source code from author website using the next command:

wget -r -np

Due the source Makefiles are implemented for Gumstix SDK, it is necessary change some constants for compile with our Host. These constants are:

In files:



Search lines:

OVEROTOP	?= /home/gumstix/overo-oe
CROSS_COMPILE	?= $(OVEROTOP)/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/armv7a/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-

Replaced by your cross compiler path, for example:

CROSS_COMPILE	?= $(OVEROTOP)/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-

In file:


Search lines:

OVEROTOP	?= /home/gumstix/overo-oe
#CROSS_COMPILE	?= $(OVEROTOP)/tmp/cross/armv7a/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-
CROSS_COMPILE	?= $(OVEROTOP)/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/armv7a/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-
KERNEL_PATH     ?= ../../../../../gumstix/overo-oe/tmp/sysroots/overo-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/kernel
ARCH		?= arm

Replaced by your cross compiler path and your kernel source path used, for example:

#CROSS_COMPILE	?= $(OVEROTOP)/tmp/cross/armv7a/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-
CROSS_COMPILE	?= $(OVEROTOP)//usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-
KERNEL_PATH     ?= ../../../../../<your kernel source path used>
ARCH		?= arm

Go to: $/ and compile all source code downloaded using make command.

Send binaries created from Host to Igep v2.

Install binaries via IGEP

Log with root user to install binaries.

Install module

Go to:$/ and insert user-gpio-drv.ko into linux kernel with the following command:

insmod user-gpio-drv.ko

Check that user-gpio-drv.ko is currently loaded with the following command:


The result will be similar at that:

root@localhost:~/ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
user_gpio_drv           1639  0 
omap_wdt                3411  0 
spidev                  4198  0 
iommu                   8558  0 
rtc_twl                 4411  0 
rtc_core               11187  1 rtc_twl
twl4030_keypad          2970  0 

The module is loaded until system halt.

Install shared library

Go to:$/ is here.

If a program is linked with shared libraries, Kernel seek in specific paths when program is executed. Now is necessary link the path to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH, use the following command:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/

Check that is linked correctly. Go to:$/, gpio program is here. Type next command:

ldd gpio 

ldd command, print shared library dependencies. The result will be similar at that:

root@lSee if is found it. If you execute program in bash without linking library dependencies, bash give you a error message. ocalhost:~/ ldd gpio => /root/ (0x40197000) => /lib/ (0x401a0000)
	/lib/ (0x4008a000)

The shared library is linked until system halt. Now you can execute gpio example program.

Testing driver

To make sure than driver works well, make the next test. I used GPIO_136(sdmmc2_dat4) and GPIO_137(sdmmc2_dat5) because IGEP v2 RC5(without WIFI) don't use them by default:

NOTE: For more information visit this page.

Configure Mux

Go to:/sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux, and change this mux configuration:

echo 0x104>sdmmc2_dat4
echo 0x104>sdmmc2_dat5

Use cat command to check it:

cat sdmmc2_dat4
cat sdmmc2_dat5

The result will be similar at that:

root@localhost:/sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux# cat sdmmc2_dat4
name: sdmmc2_dat4.gpio_136 (0x48002164/0x134 = 0x0104), b ae4, t NA
signals: sdmmc2_dat4 | sdmmc2_dir_dat0 | NA | sdmmc3_dat0 | gpio_136 | NA | NA | safe_mode


root@localhost:/sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux# cat sdmmc2_dat5
name: sdmmc2_dat5.gpio_137 (0x48002166/0x136 = 0x0104), b ah3, t NA
signals: sdmmc2_dat5 | sdmmc2_dir_dat1 | cam_global_reset | sdmmc3_dat1 | gpio_137 | hsusb3_tll_stp | mm3_rxdp | safe_mode

Note: OMAP_PIN_INPUT=Input/Output pin and OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT=Output pin, for Read/Write test you need the first one. GPIO is configured in mode 4.

Read/Write test

Link GPIO_136 and GPIO_137 with a wire, these pins are located in J990 connector with numbers 7 and 9. Now type next code:

root@localhost:~/ ./gpio input 136
root@localhost:~/ ./gpio output 137 0
root@localhost:~/ ./gpio get 136     
root@localhost:~/ ./gpio output 137 1
root@localhost:~/ ./gpio get 136     

The code above shows that driver works properly, GPIO_136 is configured like input and GPIO_137 is configured like output with value 0, when read GPIO_136 the result is 0. To make sure that works well, configure GPIO_137 with value 1, now GPIO_136 reads 1.
This driver have more options like IRQ, but is not explained here.

Other examples:What can I do with IGEP0020#How_to_handle_the_gpio-LED.27s