Yocto Project 1.2 - Poky 7.0.y denzil
From IGEP - ISEE Wiki
Extending the available packages with others layers
In order to build an image with BSP support for a given release, you need to download the corresponding BSP repository. At this time latest stable branch for IGEP devices is denzil.
$ git clone -b denzil git://git.isee.biz/pub/scm/poky.git
Enter to the poky directory,
$ cd poky
and clone the meta-isee layer.
$ git clone -b denzil git://git.isee.biz/pub/scm/meta-isee.git
$ source oe-init-build-env
Having done that, and assuming you downloaded the BSP contents at the top-level of your yocto build tree, you can build a igep image by adding the location of the 'meta-igep' layer to 'bblayers.conf'
Add below line into .../poky/build/conf/bblayers.conf:
<path to>/poky/meta-isee \
To enable the isee layer, add the 'igep00x0 MACHINE' to .../poky/build/conf/local.conf:
MACHINE ?= "igep00x0"
You should then be able to build a image as such:
$ bitbake demo-image-sato
At the end of a successful build, you should have an image that you could use for boot device from flash or a micro-SD card.
Extending the available packages with others layers
You can append more layers to your environment in order to build more packages, in following wxample you'll download the meta-openembedded layer. In your poky directory
$ git clone -b denzil git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
Add the layer into build/conf/bblayers.conf:
<path to>/poky/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
Now you can build any of the new packages added, for example:
$ bitbake postgresql