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ISEE Overview

ISEE and IGEP definitions

  • ISEE: Integration Software Electronic Engineering
  • IGEP (Platform): ISEE Generic Enhanced Platform, consisting on the hardware and software technology used on all the IGEP devices
  • IGEP Devices: Consists on all the hardware that can be considered an IGEP Plaftorm device. The Official manufacturer of these products is ISEE
  • IGEP Community: Community of all the developers and users of the IGEP Platform. The main Website of this community is the Wiki
  • Wiki: Consists on the Main Webpage of the IGEP Community, based on a Wiki page where all the IGEP community can share information related to the IGEP Platform. This page is not officially supported by the ISEE team, but the registration must be done at the Official ISEE Website.
  • ISEE team: Consists on the team of ISEE engineers who support the IGEP Platform with Official and Updated documentation, manuals, sotware, etc. including Forum support.
  • GIT Repositories: Official IGEP GIT Software Repositories, where is included all the software related to the IGEP Platform and it is supported by the ISEE team

ISEE Products = IGEP Devices

  • IGEPv1: ISEE Generic Enhanced Platform version 1

  • IGEPv2: ISEE Generic Enhanced Platform version 2
    • IGEPv2 Board: Consists on a starter board for testing the main capabilities of the IGEP boards for developing own test applications. This board can be used as a final product as well for those users who do not need extra interfaces or extra design requirements.
    • IGEPv2 EXPANSION: Consists on an expansion board that can be attached to any IGEPv2 Board for testing more features and interfaces than IGEPv2 Board. It has been designed for those developers who want to test even more capabilities of the IGEP Devices.

  • IGEPv3 = ISEE Generic Enhanced Platform version 3
    • IGEP MINI: Consists on a single mini-board that integrates all the capabilities of the IGEPv2 Board but with access to just a few of them.

In other words, this product is designed for those developers who already tested the IGEP capabilities, for example, on IGEPv2 Board and they want to design their own product.

With IGEP0030, developers can create their own expansion board with the specific peripherals of their design.

If not, developers can use the IGEP BASE, a fully functional standart expansion board for developing purposes on IGEPv3.

Otherwise, developers can contact the ISEE team (Integration Software Electronic Engineering) and ask for a customized board design with the peripherals, specifications, etc. of their application.

    • IGEP BASE(IGEP DEV, IGEP BASIC): Consists on a standard expansion board for IGEP MINI for those developers who want to test the IGEP MODULE capabilities, and is a really useful starter hardware for developing before implementing a customized design or expansion board.

IGEP 0022 article

Audio setup

The TPS65950 provides 2 gain stages which can be used to change the audio out signal amplitude. A digital gain which can be regulated by two alsa mixer settings and a analog one. Following code snippets may help you to use it.

amixer set -D hw:0 'DAC2 Analog' 50%

amixer set -D hw:0 'DAC2 Digital Fine' 50%
amixer set -D hw:0 'DAC2 Digital Coarse' 50%

Headset Output

Hardware access via

3.5mm standard stereo audio jack mounted on the top of the board

In order to activate headset output, following commands have to be executed on shell.

amixer set -D hw:0 'Headset' 0dB
amixer set -D hw:0 'HeadsetL Mixer AudioL2' on
amixer set -D hw:0 'HeadsetR Mixer AudioR2' on

Earphone Output

Hardware access via

TP606 = EAR.P
TP605 = EAR.M
which are on the backside of the board

In order to activate earphone output, following commands have to be executed on shell.

amixer set -D hw:0 'Earpiece' 6dB
amixer set -D hw:0 'Earpiece Mixer AudioL2' on
amixer set -D hw:0 'Earpiece Mixer AudioR2' on