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TODO: Update peripheral tutorials

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How to use SPI (prove with new firmware, under construction)


This How-To is meant to be a starting point for people to learn use SPI for IGEP devices as quickly and easily as possible. In this how-to, we run an example program that reads and writes registers from 3-axis accelerometer (LIS3DH) included on the board IGEP New York.

Feedback and Contributing

At any point, if you see a mistake you can contribute to this How-To.


There are a few requisites to follow this tutorial:

How Works

LIS3DH accelerometer: It is the accelerometer mounted in IGEP New York.

Omap3 SPI Peripheral: It is the hardware used to communicated with accelerometer and other SPI devices.

Omap2_mcspi: It is a bus driver than controls Omap3 SPI Peripheral.

Spi: It is a protocol driver that defines functions and strucs used in SPI bus.

Spidev: It is a device driver that export spi driver functionalities to userspace.

Lis3lv02d_spi: SPI glue layer for lis3lv02d

Lis31v02d: Device driver for LIS3DH accelerometer.

Exp_ilms0015: It is a startup program for IGEP New York. It attach lis31v02d with Spi driver.

Spi linux schematic.png

More information about Linux Kernel SPI at:

Attach Spidev to SPI driver

Modify Linux Kernel Sources

To read accelerometer registers from spidev, we need to attach spidev driver to spi driver at start up. So it is necessary to modify spi_board.

Go to $(Kernel path)/arch/arm/mach-omap2/exp-ilms0015.c and edit the next fields in bold words.

static struct spi_board_info lis3lv02d_spi_board_info __initdata = {

    .modalias = "spidev",

    //.modalias    = "lis3lv02d_spi",

    .bus_num    = -EINVAL,

    .chip_select    = -EINVAL,

    .max_speed_hz    = 1*1000*1000,

    .irq        = -EINVAL,

    .mode        = SPI_MODE_0,

   //.platform_data    = &lis3lv02d_pdata,


inline void __init ilms0015_lis3lv02d_init(int bus_num, int cs, int irq)


    struct spi_board_info *spi = &lis3lv02d_spi_board_info;

    if ((gpio_request(irq, "LIS3LV02D IRQ") == 0)

        && (gpio_direction_input(irq) == 0))

        gpio_export(irq, 0);

    else {

        pr_err("IGEP: Could not obtain gpio LIS3LV02D IRQ\n");



    spi->bus_num = bus_num;

    spi->chip_select = cs;

    spi->irq = OMAP_GPIO_IRQ(irq),

    spi_register_board_info(&lis3lv02d_spi_board_info, 1);



void __init ilms0015_init(void)


    mux_partition = omap_mux_get("core");

    /* Mux initialitzation for ilms0015 */

    omap_mux_write_array(mux_partition, ilms0015_mux);

    /* 3-axis accelerometer */

    ilms0015_lis3lv02d_init(1, 2, 174);

    /* Export some GPIO */



Now spi_register_board_info has all information necessary to attach spidev driver instead lis3lv02d_spi.

Once we edit code, compile your modified Kernel, you can follow this tutorial for this purpose.

Enable ilms0015 support

“ilms0015” is the technical name of IGEP New York.

By default, poky-media-create (See: Poky firmware with Kernel 2.6.37.y) configured as igep0030, gives support only for IGEP Expansions Paris and Berlin. We need to configure igep.ini and gives support to IGEP New York:

 ; Machine configuration

    ;buddy=base0010 buddy.revision=B


Test changes

Once you copy your new Kernel binaries and edit igep.ini. Power up your board, log in and check your changes:

root@igep00x0:/dev# lsmod

Module                  Size    Used by

rfcomm                48522   0

hidp                    13311   0

l2cap                   49001   4 rfcomm,hidp

bluetooth             67643   3 rfcomm,hidp,l2cap

libertas_sdio         13887   0

libertas                99318   1 libertas_sdio

option                 13044   0

usb_wwan              7196   1 option

usbserial              23870   2 option,usb_wwan

spidev                  4898   0 

root@igep00x0:/dev# ls /dev/spidev1.2


“spidev1.2”: refers at McSPI1 bus 2. Now we can communicate to accelerometer using spi driver functions.

SPI Test program


This program is based in spidev_test and it was edited to run with LIS3DH accelerometer, program can be explained in four parts:

Connection properties: program lets change via parameters SPI configurations like: device, max speed, delay, bits per word, clock phase, clock polarity, etc. If you don't use any of this parameters program will use default options for LIS3DH communication.

Read mode: Reads a word from a register.

Write mode: Writes a word in a register.

Test mode: Reads X, Y and Z axes from accelerometer.

We recommend to read peripheral datasheet before use or modify program.

Compile program

The program source was compiled with Poky SDK but you can use other compilers like Linaro Toolchain:

arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc spiexamplebeta2.c -o spiexampleb2  

Copy your final binary to rootfs.

Test program

Read WHO_AM_I register(0Fh)

LIS3DH has this dummy register (See 8.6 chapter) as a device identification. Its value is 0x33:

root@igep00x0:~# ./spiexampleb2 -R 0F 
spi mode: 0 
bits per word: 8 
max speed: 1000000 Hz (1000 KHz) 
Value from 0F is: 33 

Read and Write CTRL_REG1 (20h)

This register is used to enable/disable: accelerometer and XYZ axes (See 8.8 chapter). The default value at startup is:

root@igep00x0:~# ./spiexampleb2 -R 20 
spi mode: 0 
bits per word: 8 
max speed: 1000000 Hz (1000 KHz) 
Value from 20 is: 07 

It means that accelerometer was disabled and X, Y and Z axes was enabled. For example we can disable X axe typing:

root@igep00x0:~# ./spiexampleb2 -W 20 -V 06 
spi mode: 0 
bits per word: 8 
max speed: 1000000 Hz (1000 KHz) 
Register to write 20 with value 06 
root@igep00x0:~# ./spiexampleb2 -R 20      
spi mode: 0 
bits per word: 8 
max speed: 1000000 Hz (1000 KHz) 
Value from 20 is: 06 

Read accelerometer axes

Finally we are going to read gravity force: LIS3DH has ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g dynamically selectable full scale (See chapter 8.11). The axes values are expressed in two’s complement in 16 bits (See chapters 8.16, 8.17 and 8.18). Lis3dhxyzaxes.png
root@igep00x0:~# ./spiexampleb2 -T 
spi mode: 0 
bits per word: 8 
max speed: 1000000 Hz (1000 KHz) 
Accelerometer TEST 
Values from X -64, Values from Y -15872 and Values from Z -256 

The next table shows results at different positions:

Position ±2g scale ±4g scale ±8g scale ±16g scale
X = 832

Y = 1024

Z = 15680

X = 256

Y = 128

Z = 7872

X = 128

Y = 128

Z = 4032

X = 64

Y = 128

Z = 1280


X = 256

Y = 704

Z = -17216

X = 256

Y = 256

Z = -8320

X = 64

Y = 128

Z = -4096

X = 128

Y = 128

Z = -1344


X = -15872

Y = 64

Z = -320

X = -7936

Y = 64

Z = -512

X = -3968

Y = 128

Z = -192

X = -1280

Y = 64

Z = -128


X = 16448

Y = 640

Z = 640

X = 8128

Y = 192

Z = 384

X = 4032

Y = 64

Z = 64

X = 1344

Y = 64

Z = 192


X = 896

Y = 16512

Z = -576

X = 320

Y = 8128

Z = -128

X = 192

Y = 4096

Z = -64

X = 128

Y = 1344

Z = -128


X = -64

Y = -15872

Z = -256

X = -512

Y = -7808

Z = -384

X = -64

>Y = -3840

Z = -384

X = -128

Y = -1216

Z = -128

How to install Qt Creator (under construction)

How to install Eclipse (under construction)