
How to get the Ubuntu distribution

409 bytes added, 13:48, 21 September 2010
Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat BETA)
=== Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat BETA) ===
'''NOTE: This will _not_ work, for two reasons: 1) there is a bug in the current kernel, which is being looked at and might get fixed very soon. 2) Maverick needs the uInitrd file in order to use the partitions properly. Without it, you will not be able to install kernel modules and other things that are essential. I will edit this page when I've tested with success -- hopefully later today, 21.09.10. '''
With latest rootstock and debootstrap, you can repeat the same steps changing only "-d jaunty" in "-d maverick" in the rootstock command.