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168 bytes added, 13:54, 30 January 2013
no edit summary
The screen shows the result of each of the 20 measurements done on 20 rows, one row per measurement:<br>
1st column shows the measured target position (4.8m)
2nd column shows the measured target speed (in this case 0Km/h as the wall is no moving)
3rd column shows a value proportional to the measured signal strength.
4th column indicates the delta time between each measurement. In this example the radar did each measurement in only 7ms. This time includes the time to program the modulator, perform the ramp modulation, capture the IF radar signal with the ADC, process the data, and show the result.
Finally, the last column indicates the name of the captured file. IMPORTANT: This file will be generated and stored ONLY if you add the parameter -w
-w means that you want to write all the measurements on a file (there will be generated 20 files, one for each measurement, and each one with 2048 samples)