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Using Ethernet to communicate

1,644 bytes added, 13:42, 29 August 2012
Install Putty
== Overview ==
You can log into IGEP via many interfaces, such Serial, Wifi, USB-Ethernet Gadget, etc. In this tutorial we are going to connect to the board via its Ethernet interface. By default, all IGEP Processor boards have a static IP in their Ethernet interface which is and dynamic IP address assigned via DHCP.
== Requirements ==
== Configure Host PC==
=== Linux ==='''NOTE:''' You don't need to configure anything if you use [ IGEP Dynamic SDK Virtual Machine] If you are running Linux in your PC, open a Terminal session and set the IP of the Ethernet interface in which IGEP is connected (for example eth0): *In the file /etc/network/interfaces, you should add:<pre>iface eth0 inet dhcp iface eth0:0 inet staticaddress</pre> *Type in a terminal:<pre>sudo ifup eth0:0</pre> *Revise that:<pre>jdoe@ubuntu ~ $ ifconfig...eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:ad:0c:ad inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1...</pre> === Windows and MAC OSX === '''NOTE:''' you should use [[IGEP SDK Virtual Machine|IGEP&nbsp;SDK&nbsp;Virtual Machine]] but you can use these steps: '''Windows:''' If you are running Windows in your PC, depending of your OS version and your configuration the steps might be slightly different: # Click the '''Start button''' and select the '''Control Panel'''# Go to '''Network configuration'''# Right click the interface where IGEP is connected (for example: Local Network) and select '''Propierties'''# Select the '''TCP/IP Internet Protocol''' configuration and click the '''Propierties button'''# Set a static IP ( and as network submask# Close all the dialogs '''MAC OSX:''' '''(Please contribute)'''
== Connect to IGEP device ==
=== Install Putty ===
'''NOTE:''' You don't need install anything if you use [[IGEP SDK Virtual Machine|IGEP&nbsp;SDK&nbsp;Virtual Machine]].
Now you are ready to log into IGEP via its Ethernet interface. You just need a program with a SSH client.
Install and run using executable or using apt-get command (in Linux):<pre>sudo apt-get install putty </pre> === Run Putty. === It will look like this:
[[Image:Putty ssh.png|center]]
password: (no password for this user: press return)
=== Troubleshooting ===