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How to setup Marvell 88w8686 SDIO wifi

25 bytes added, 16:40, 16 July 2014
no edit summary
*libertas: Marvell Libertas 8385/8686/8688 SDIO 802.11b/g card
*firmware: 9.70.3p24 ( download from ; choose platform Linux 2.6 and download SD-8686-LINUX26-SYSKT-9.70.3.p24-26409.P45-GPL )This zip archive contains other tarballs ; one of them is named SD-8686-FEDORA26FC6-SYSKT-GPL-9.70.3.p24-26409.P45.tar and contains a FwImage directory. Inside are the two firmware images. You will need to rename helper_sd.bin as sd8686_helper.bin and put both firmware in the lib/firmware (or, as you wish, in lib/firmware/libertas)directory of your target root filesystem.
SDIO card should be showed after the image is downloaded to the board.
<pre>mmc1: new SDIO card at address 0001
The firmware binaries sd8686_helper.bin and sd8686.bin should be in /lib/firmware directory.
NOTE: It appears that the helper file is named differently in newer versions of the firmware (helper_sd.bin). I renamed it to "sd8686_helper.bin". Also, the following command assumes that you have compiled the libertas driver as a module. If you use the "igep0020_defconfig" during kernel compilation, you will want to menuconfig and make libertas a module instead of a built in kernel. To make the SDIO WIFI module work load the libertas_sdio module (assuming you built it as module)
<pre># modprobe libertas_sdio
Then modify /etc/network/interfaces
Change the line <pre>auto eth0 into #auto eth0</pre> Add the next lines (replace eth2 wlan0 by your wifi interface): <pre>auto wlan0iface eth2 wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf</pre>
To check if your /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file is correct you can type
<pre>wpa_supplicant -ieth2 iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -d</pre> = See also =*[[How to setup Marvell bluetooth]]*[[Using IGEP WLAN to communicate]]