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How to set up UART2 in J990

23 bytes added, 18:03, 25 January 2012
no edit summary
At any point, if you see a mistake you can contribute to this How-To.<br>
= Fast Mode<br> =
Fast Mode, set up UART2 until system reboot or halt. Using space to configure mux and disabling bluethoot. Default kernel binaries and source have disabled TWL4030 PCM voice interface output pins to high impedance, otherwise this module forces the level of mcbsp3_fsx and mcbsp3_clkx pins. To make sure, go to ~/sound/soc/codecs/twl4030.c file already read:
echo 0x101 &gt; mcbsp3_clkx
echo 0x101 &gt; mcbsp3_fsx
echo 0x101 &gt; mcbsp3_dr </pre>Check that:
<pre>root@localhost:/sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux# cat mcbsp3_dx
name: mcbsp3_dx.uart2_cts (0x4800216c/0x13c = 0x0101), b af6, t NA
signals: mcbsp3_dr | uart2_rts | NA | NA | gpio_141 | hsusb3_tll_data5 | NA | safe_mode
</pre>p=== Test UART2 ===s