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QEMU on IGEP Boards

QEMU is a processor emulator that relies on dynamic binary translation to achieve a reasonable speed while being easy to port on new host CPU architectures.

In conjunction with CPU emulation, it also provides a set of device models, allowing it to run a variety of unmodified guest operating systems; it can thus be viewed as a hosted virtual machine monitor. It also provides an accelerated mode for supporting a mixture of binary translation (for kernel code) and native execution (for user code), in the same fashion as VMware Workstation and VirtualBox. QEMU can also be used purely for CPU emulation for user level processes, allowing applications compiled for one architecture to be run on another.

Build QEMU with IGEP support

Download QEMU sources from linaro git repository:

$ git clone git://git.linaro.org/qemu/qemu-linaro.git

Download IGEP support patch for QEMU from this link and after that apply the patch as:

$ cd qemu-linaro

$ patch -p1 < 0001-IGEP_QEMU_support.path

Configure the sources for build with this command:

$ ./configure --target-list=arm-softmmu --prefix=/opt/qemu-linaro

Build the sources:

$ make

Install QEMU:

$ make install

Optionally you can download from here the QEMU binaries.

Board Emulation

./qemu-system-arm -M igep -m 512 -clock unix -serial stdio -drive file=/home/mcaro/Projects/myigep/workspace/igep-dsp-gst-framework/igep-ubuntu-desktop.img,if=sd,cache=writeback -usb -usbdevice host:usb.1:80ee:cafe -monitor telnet:localhost:7100,server,nowait,nodelay