
How to boot from MicroSD Card

550 bytes added, 11:30, 1 June 2011
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Now we can see all partitions and configurations done in the main gparted window
=== [[Image:Gparted partitions done.png|thumb|center]]Select "Boot flag" for the boot partition ===
Now we must select the boot flag for the first partition for it we use the right mouse button over the boot partition and select "Manage Flags" option
[[Image:Gparted boot flag.png|thumb|center]]Now we have the microsd prepared for copy the boot files
= Boot Partition Structure =
We commented in the theory point the OMAP needs only the MLO (x-loader) file for boot, we will start checking this point.
We will download the x-loader sources from ISEE git.
$ git clone git://<br>Cloning into x-loader...<br>remote: Counting objects: 1433, done.<br>remote: Compressing objects: 100% (622/622), done.<br>remote: Total 1433 (delta 1054), reused 1128 (delta 809)<br>Receiving objects: 100% (1433/1433), 450.90 KiB, done.<br>Resolving deltas: 100% (1054/1054), done.