Template:Table/IGEP Technology Devices

From IGEP - ISEE Wiki

Revision as of 13:46, 11 April 2012 by Albert (talk | contribs)

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Main pages
[{{{url_official}}} ISEE Official {{{device}}} Page] link={{{url_official}}} [[Image:{{{image}}}|300px]]
IGEP Community {{{device}}} Page [[Getting Started with {{{device}}} board]] link={{{community_main}}}
Main tutorials
[[Getting Started with {{{device}}} board|Getting Started with {{{device}}}]]
link=Getting Started with {{{device}}} board
[[What can I do with {{{device}}}|What can I do with {{{device}}}]]
link=What can I do with {{{device}}}
Start developing with {{{device}}}
[{{{url_hardware}}} {{{device}}} Hardware manual]