__TOC__{{Table/IGEP Technology Devices|Tech_Family={{#lst:Template:Links|IGEPv2_EXPANSION_Tech_Family}}|Tech_ID={{#lst:Template:Links|IGEPv2_EXPANSION_Tech_ID}}|Name={{#lst:Template:Links|IGEPv2_EXPANSION_Name}}|Image={{#lst:Template:Links|IGEPv2_EXPANSION_Image}}|ISEE_MainPage={{#lst:Template:Links|IGEPv2_EXPANSION_ISEE_MainPage}}|ISEE_Hardware={{#lst:Template:Links|IGEPv2_EXPANSION_ISEE_Hardware}}}}
{{Navigation/IGEP Technology Guides|device=IGEP0022}}
If you have '''successfully completed the [[Getting Started with IGEP0022 board|getting started guide]]''' for IGEP0022, you can follow this first introduction about what can you do with this expansion board:= Overview =
= How to use Serial communication =Please contribute .This is the 2/3 chapter of IGEPv2 Expansion Tutorial Guide.
= How to get VGA output =We will learn some basic tasks.
The required [[How do I edit my kernel command line|kernel command line]] option here is omapfb.mode followed by the desired resolution, make sure to select a video mode compatible with your monitor
For example: __TOC__
omapdss.def_disp=dvi omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768-16@60
Note that you could connect both a VGA monitor and a DVI-D monitor and see the same image, as long as the video mode is compatible with both monitors. = What can I do<br> =
Add == How to use serial console ==[[Image:Igepv2expdb9connector.PNG|right|200px]] IGEPv2 Expansion integrates a DB9 RS232 connector. This UART is shared with RS485 so it's incompatible use both interfaces at the same time. For that reason to use UART1 for RS232 comunications you should disable RS485 interface. You can do this [[How_do_I_edit_my_kernel_command_line | adding following line to igepkernel cmdline parameter]].ini
Powertip 4You need a Null-Modem DB9 male-make serial cable. Connect the cable between the target board and your PC.3 inch (480 x RGB x 272) TFT:
Add Open the following line to igep.iniserial port on your PC using your preferred serial communications program (minicom) and configure the port as follows:
omapdss.def_disp=lcd-43* 115200* 8N1* no flow control (either software or hardware)
You should reboot your IGEP Device to enable a new resolution configuration. $ microcom -s 115200 /dev/ttyS0
To configure the touchscreen, add == How to use Telit Modem =={| align="Configured Touchscreenright" in cellspacing="ServerLayout1" section and remove cellpadding="Configured Mouse1" in /etc/X11/xorgborder="1" width="200"|-| [[Image:IGEP0022 Modem with antenna.png|200px]] | [[Image:Igepv2expcardreader.confPNG|right|200px]]|-| GSM-GPRS antenna (highly recommended) | SIM card reader|}
Section "ServerLayout"IGEPv2 Expansion integrates a GSM/GPRS modem to make phone calls or to send SMS or to write and read data from it, etc. Telit modem is not supported by default in IGEPv2 Expansion. Identifier "Default Layout" Screen "Default Screen" InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" # InputDevice "Configured Mouse" InputDevice "Configured Touchscreen" Option "AllowEmptyInput" "no" EndSectionConfigure this [[How_do_I_edit_my_kernel_command_line | adding following kernel cmdline parameter]]
calibrate it yourself until you are happy with the result, for example: buddy.modem=yes
*Power up the modem using the next commands:<pre>$ echo 0 > /sys/class/etcgpio/init.dgpio140/xserver-nodm stopvalue TSLIB_CALIBFILE=$ echo 1 > /etcsys/pointercal TSLIB_TSDEVICE=class/devgpio/inputgpio141/touchscreen0 TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=none ts_calibratevalue $ sleep 1$ echo 0 > /etcsys/initclass/gpio/gpio141/value</pre> *Once the modem is on (led near power button is blinking now), you can interact with it via UART 2.d/xserver-nodm start
= How to use Telit Modem = The IGEP0022 expansion board provides a Telit [http://telit.com/en/products/gsm-gprs.php?p_ac=show&p=47 GE865] GSM/GPRS modem which is connected to the OMAP via some GPIO pins and UART 2.<br> Here you have the official manuals from the manufacturer's webpage:<br> *[http://telit.com/module/infopool/download.php?id=1666 Telit GE865-QUAD Hardware User Guide]<br> *[http://telit.com/module/infopool/download.php?id=522 Telit Modules Software User Guide]<br> <br> Here there are a few instructions in order to introduce the Telit modem.<br> If this is your first time accessing Telit Modem, check J402 and J403 jumpers are not connected before follow this tutorial. If you don't have these jumpers, don't worry because their functions are only for testing. Insert a valid SIM card to the SIM card reader of your IGEP0022. Now, you must add the following line at the kernel file (igep.ini) in order to enable GE865 support: <pre>buddy.modem=yes</pre> <br> Now its time to power up your modem. You may read the Official manufacturer [http://telit.com/module/infopool/download.php?id=1666 Hardware User Guide], where there is a complete explanation about the sequence.<br> In IGEP0022, the modem is connected to 3 GPIO pins from the OMAP, which are: <omap_pin_name (modem_function)> *GPIO_140 (Reset) *GPIO_141 (On_Off) *GPIO_156 (PWRMON)<br> You can power up your modem using the following sequence: (Note: the following instructions are correctly 'toggled' do to pull-up resistors. Refer to schematics at the Official [http://igep.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=99&Itemid=129&dir=%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fvhosts%2Figep.es%2Fhttpdocs%2Fdownloads%2F01-ISEE_Products%2FIGEPv2_EXPANSION%2FHW_Schematics&download_file=%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fvhosts%2Figep.es%2Fhttpdocs%2Fdownloads%2F01-ISEE_Products%2FIGEPv2_EXPANSION%2FHW_Schematics%2FIGEP.0022-EXP_BOARD_SCH_rev_b3.pdf IGEP0022 Hardware Manual] from ISEE) <pre>echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio140/valueecho 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio141/valuesleep 1echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio141/value</pre> Once the modem is on, you can interact with it via UART 2. You can use Microcom to comunicate with it from the serial debug console: <pre>$ microcom -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1ttyO1</pre> (Note: GE865 has auto baud rate detection, so you can use a different speed)<br> *To check the modem status use the command:<br>
You can check the complete list of AT commands at the Official manufacturer == How to use TVP5151 Video Decoder ==[[httpImage://telitIgepv2expvideocompositeconnector.com/module/infopool/download.php?id=522 Software User GuidePNG|right|200px]]IGEPv2 Expansion integrates two composite video connectors to decode analog input signal. === Test received signal strength<br> Configure TVP5151 === Use *Plug some peripheral with video composite output in J501 RCA connector, see the instruction: image for more details.<pre>at+csq</prebr> The answer should be: +CSQ: X*Connect a screen,0, where X is the signal strenghtfor example HDMI monitor. For example 6 is poor *Refresh repositories and 15 is good. If the answer is +CSQ:99,99 you should check the antennaaccept it. === Making a phone call<brpre>$ zypper ref </pre> === Use the instruction: *Install video4linux2 plugin<pre>atd <number_to_call>$ zypper in gst-plugins-good-video4linux2
Press any key to end call === Sending a SMS<br> === First of all, you need to configure the SMS format type. Telit [http://telit.com/en/products/gsm-gprs.php?p_ac=show&p=47 GE865] GSM/GPRS supports PDU format and Text format. We use Text format. Type the following command: <pre>AT+CMGF=1</pre> There are so many ways in this modem to send a message. Here you have a simple example. Use the instruction: <pre>at+cmgs="<destination_number>"> <insert_here_your_text_message></pre> When you are ready to send your message use Ctrl+Z to send it. If you want to cancel or restart the message press ESC.<br> = How to use Play with TVP5151 Video Decoder<br> = === Requirements<br> === *Have successfully connected the TFT Screen as explained at the [[Getting Started with IGEP0022 board#TFT_and_Touchscreen|Getting Started Guide]] or at the [http://igep.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=99&Itemid=129&dir=%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fvhosts%2Figep.es%2Fhttpdocs%2Fdownloads%2F01-ISEE_Products%2FIGEPv2_EXPANSION%2FHW_User_Manuals&download_file=%2Fvar%2Fwww%2Fvhosts%2Figep.es%2Fhttpdocs%2Fdownloads%2F01-ISEE_Products%2FIGEPv2_EXPANSION%2FHW_User_Manuals%2FMAN-PR-IGEP.0022-001.01.HW_USER_MANUAL.pdf Official Hardware Reference Manual]<br> *A camera or any device with PAL output video to RCA connector.<br> <br> ---- <br> There are two modules that you will use that are not inserted into the kernel: iommu2 (tvp5151) and isp. You have to load these Load OMAP ISP kernel modules before start:module<br> <pre>modprobe iommu2$ modprobe omap3-isp</pre> (Note: The first load order must be the iommu2 and then the omap3-isp)<br> ---- <br> Now, use the program media-ctl. This program is useful to configure the ISP. You can download it from [http://downloads.igep.es/files/media-ctl here]. Then you have to transfer it to your IGEP0022 (for example via SCP command).<br> Now you have to configure the ISP and TVP5151:<br> <pre>./media-ctl -r -l '"tvp5150 2-005c":0->"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP CCDC":1->"OMAP3 ISP CCDC output":0[1]'</pre> Configure the video capture setup:<br> <pre>./media-ctl --set-format '"tvp5150 2-005c":0 [UYVY 720x628]'
Connect a video camera or any device with *Configure ISP, for PAL resulution use 720x576 for NTSC resolution use 720x480:<pre>$ media-ctl -r -l '"tvp5150 2-005c":0->"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP CCDC":1->"OMAP3 ISP CCDC output to the Composite Video RCA input connector of the IGEP0022. ":0[1]'$ media-ctl -v --set-format '"tvp5150 2-005c":0 [UYVY 720x480]'$ media-ctl -v --set-format '"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":0 [UYVY 720x480]'Use gstreamer as live stream to capture video from your video source.$ media-ctl -v --set-format '"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":1 [UYVY 720x480]' <br/pre> *Export displayNow setup the gstreamer pipeline<pre>$ export DISPLAY=:0.0 <br/pre> *Launch gstreamer<pre>$ gst-launch-0.10 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 queue-size=1 8 ! video/x-raw-yuv,format=\(fourcc\)UYVY,width=720,height=628 480 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! omapfbsinkautovideosink</pre> If everything was fine *Now you will can see the live video at the in your IGEP screen. [[Image:TVP5151 video decoder.jpg|frame|center|514x346px]]See also: [[How to setup tvp5151 video decoder]]<br> = How to use EEPROM = The IGEP0022 expansion board provides an [http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc5156.pdf AT24C01B] serial EEPROM memory which is connected to the OMAP via I2C.<br> a result similar like this
You can use easily simple reads/writes to access to the eeprom{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="200"|-| [[Image: Igepv2expgstreamercapture.jpg|400px]]|}
echo "hello world!" > /sys/devices/platform/i2c_omap.2/i2c-2/2-0050/eeprom cat /sys/devices/platform/i2c_omap.2/i2c-2/2-0050/eeprom''From [[How to setup tvp5151 video decoder]]''
Or read/write from userspace using i2c-tools: == How to use EEPROM ==IGEPv2 Expansion includes a serial EEPROM, provides 1KB of user data storage. EEPROM is connected through I2C2 of OMAP3 processor at address 0x50.
i2cget <The following example writes the value 0x22 to register 0x10 of device 0x50 on i2c bus> <chip> <register>2: <pre>$ i2cset <bus> <chip> <register> <value>-f -y 2 0x50 0x10 0x22$ i2cget -f -y 2 0x50 0x10</pre>''From [[How to use EEPROM]]''
For example, the following writes the value 0x22 == How to register 0x10 of device 0x50 on i2c use CAN bus 2: ==
i2cset -f -y 2 0x50 0x10 0x22 i2cget -f -y 2 0x50 0x10[[Image:Igepv2expcanconnector.PNG|right|200px]]IGEPv2 Expansion integrates a CAN peripheral. Connect any CAN bus device or network to the CAN bus connector (J703).
See alsoYou have to connect the two boards like this: i2dump(8), i2cget(8) and i2cset(8) man page <br>
= How to use CAN bus = The IGEP0022 expansion board provides a CAN interface using MCP2515.<br> Several tools are provided by socketCAN to use this controller: *candump: dump traffic on a CAN network. *cansend: simple command line tool to send CAN-frames via CAN_RAW sockets. *cangen: CAN frames generator for testing purpose. *canplayer: send CAN frames from a file to a CAN interface. In order to test the CAN interface you can connect IGEP0022 to a CAN device or network or to another IGEP0022 board.<br> In the last case, you have to connect the two boards like this:<br> Board IGEPv2 Exp 1 Board IGEPv2 Exp 2 .--- .--- | 1 |-X X-| 1 | VDD_CAN: Supply Voltage (+5V DC) | 2 |------------------| 2 | CANL: CAN Low-Level Voltage I/O | 3 |------------------| 3 | GND : Ground | 4 |------------------| 4 | CANH : CAN High-Level Voltage I/O .--- .---
/sbin/$ ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 125000
Switch roles and try it again== How to use VGA connector =={| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="363" border="1" align="right"|-| [[Image:Igepv2expconnecttovga.jpg|150px]] | [[Image:Igepv2expvgaconnector.PNG|200px]]|}
{{Template:Navigation/IGEP Technology Guides/What can I do/Ending|device=IGEP0022}}IGEPv2 Expansion integrates a VGA connector, the output VGA signal is equal to HDMI connector. Plug a monitor with VGA input. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
no edit summary
== How to use TFT and Touchscreen ==[[Image:IGEP0022 PROTO RA DSC 0142.JPG|right|200px]] IGEPv2 Expansion supports SEIKO 7” or POWERTIP 4.3” LCD screen. Use J301 connector for POWERTRIP 4.3" or use J302, J303 and J304 connector for SEIKO 7".<br> Seiko and Powertip touch screens are not supported by default in IGEPv2. Use the following steps for it:
Edit igep.ini file to configure your touch screen, you can do this [[How_do_I_edit_my_kernel_command_line | adding following kernel cmdline parameter]]*In Seiko 7screen add the following line:<pre>omapdss.0 inch WVGA (800 x RGB x 480) TFTdef_disp=lcd-70</pre> *In Powertip screen add the following line: <pre>omapdss.def_disp=lcd-43</pre>
On the target board open a serial port as follows:
Now when you write a character in you PC serial port, the character should appear in the target board.
A detailed guide on how use UARTS can be found by following this link: [[How to use UARTs]]
*Answer should be OK.<br> '''Note: correcting syntax with 'backspace' may cause error in a serial command if you are not writing the command at first take. Don't type <> when use the following commands''' In order to use your GSM/GPRS you should connect the antenna as it is explained in the [[Getting Started with IGEP0022 board#GSM/GPRS antenna |Getting Started with IGEP0022]] article. *Now unlock it by inserting your SIM card PIN number. Use the command:<br>
*If you correctly inserted the PIN number, the answer should be OK. (Note: If you fail more than 3 times, your SIM card will lock and you will have to insert PUK number.) *Now you are ready to use the GSM/GPS modem. <br> == Examples == If you successfully ''From [[How to use Telit Modem]]'followed the the previous instructions''', you are ready to test the GSM/GPRS modem. Here are some examples of simple commands:
If this is your first time accessing CAN bus, check J702 jumper is not connected before follow this tutorial. If you don't have this jumper, don't worry because its function is only for testing.
Now you can set up the interface (on all boards when using multiple IGEP0022 IGEPv2 EXPANSION <span lang="en" id="result_box" class="short_text"><span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">connected to a CAN network simultaneously)</span></span>:<br>
If you want to receive CAN data, use:
$ candump can0
If you want to send CAN data, use:
$ cansend can0 123#AABBCCDD cansend can0 123#R cansend can0 1F334455#1122334455667788 cansend can0 1F334455#R-i 0x123 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd
On the receiver side, you must see the following messages:
can0 123 [4] AA BB CC DDaa bb cc dd can0 123 Switch roles and try it again. ''From [0] remote request can0 1F334455 [8How to use CAN bus] 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 can0 1F334455 [0] remote request''
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[[Category:IGEP0022]][[Category:TutorialsIGEP Technology Devices Guides]]