
Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine

89 bytes added, 11:37, 11 April 2011
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== Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine HOWTO ==
=== Overview of this HOWTO ===
=== Requirements ===
* [ Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine]* [ IGEPv2 board] with [[How_to_upgrade_and_recover_the_factory_firmware How to upgrade and recover the factory firmware| factory defaults]]* [ Software User Manuals]
=== Feedback and Contributing ===
At any point, if you see a mistake you can contribute to this How-To.
=== Which IGEP SDK Virtual Machine do I have  ? ===
At this moment (2010-December), your IGEP SDK Virtual Machine could be:
* [[Ubuntu_8Ubuntu 8.04_IGEP_v204 IGEP v2.0_SDK_Virtual_Machine0 SDK Virtual Machine#Ubuntu_8.04_IGEP_v2.0_SDK_Virtual_Machine_.28version_20101124.29| 20101124]] version ( based on: Ubuntu 8.04.4 + Poky 20101124 version + IGEP0020-RC board )* [[Ubuntu_8Ubuntu 8.04_IGEP_v204 IGEP v2.0_SDK_Virtual_Machine0 SDK Virtual Machine#Ubuntu_8.04_IGEP_v2.0_SDK_Virtual_Machine_.28version_20091222.29| 20091222]] version ( based on: Ubuntu 8.04.1 + Poky 20090721 version + IGEP0020-RB board )
=== Which Poky SDK toolchain do I have  ? ===
You could see "Poky SDK toolchain" version at '/usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/version-arm-none-linux-gnueab' file:<pre>jdoe@ubuntu:~$ cat /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/version-arm-none-linux-gnueabi
Distro: poky
Distro Version: 3.2.1
Metadata Revision: 949b440e52d637ef52eadb50c87e615eebd64ed4
Timestamp: 20100331130432
</pre> === Which Poky SDK rootfs version do I have &nbsp;? ===
You could see "Poky nfs exported rootfs demo" version at '/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020/etc/version' file:<pre>jdoe@ubuntu:~$ cat /srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020/etc/version
----<br> <br>
== Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine (version 20101124) ==
<br>=== Overview (version 20101124) ===
== Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine (version 20101124) ===== Overview (version 20101124) ===* This is the lastest available IGEP SDK Virtual Machine (2010-December)
* IGEPv2 boards could boot from TFTP+NFS exported installed demos
* It provides installed demos at "/srv/" directory** TFTP exported Linux kernels at "/srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-XXXXX/igep0020/uImage" files** NFS exported rootfs at "/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-XXXXX/igep0020/" directories
* It provides a compiled toolchain demo at "/usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc" directory * There is a project source code example at "/home/jdoe/staging/x-loader/" directory, that is git cloned from public source code repositories* It is based on Ubuntu 8.04.4 distribution* It provides quick links to ISEE IGEP boards ecosystem* What's New:** OMAP3730 processor support** Upgraded toolchain
=== Virtual Machine Enhancements (version 20101124) ===
Setting up uboot-mkimage (0.4build1) ...
<br> <br>
==== Upgrade the Poky's SDK ====
*Log on virtual machine login (Username: '''jdoe''' / Password: '''letmein''' / Default IP address: '''''' )
=== Examples === ==== Example 1: Hello world (built with cross toolchain) ==== * Power up your Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine  Power up your development environment and login into bash shell
* Create source code text fileFirst of all you need to initialize a suitable environment in the bash shell console inside your virtual machine. <br />You can do this sourcing once the environment-setup script. <pre>$ source /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/environment-setup-arm-none-linux-gnueabi</pre>
First of all you need to initialize a suitable environment in the bash shell console inside your virtual machine. <br> You can do this sourcing once the environment-setup script. <pre>$ source /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/environment-setup-arm-none-linux-gnueabi</pre> Create a single .c file (hello-world.c), using your preferred editor (vi, nano, gedit, ...) <br><br>hello-world.c:<pre>#include <&lt;stdio.h> &gt;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
printf("Hello world &nbsp;!\n");
return 0;
</pre>*Build arm binary executable
* Build arm binary executableCross toolchain tools are available into the built-in virtual machine Poky SDK.You only need open bash terminal prompt and write commands:<pre>$ arm-none-linux-gnuabignueabi-gcc -o hello-world hello-world.c
$ file hello-world
hello-world: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
</pre>*Transfer arm executable file from virtual machine to IGEPv2 board
* Transfer arm executable file from virtual machine to IGEPv2 boardCopy the binary result to your NFS-mounted root filesystem on your local virtual machine path<pre>$ sudo cp hello-world /srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020a/home/root
[sudo] password for jdoe: letmein
</pre>*Execute arm executable file inside IGEPv2 board
* Execute arm executable file inside IGEPv2 board
And run the program in your target device (serial console or ssh network terminal)
<pre># cd /home/root
# ./hello-world
Hello World &nbsp;!</pre>==== Example 2: Hello world (built with autotool+cross toolchain) ====
==== Example 2: Hello world (built with autotool+cross toolchain) ====
Using the SDK with autotool enabled packages is straightforward; just pass the appropriate host option to configure
<pre>$ ./configure --target=arm-none-linux-gnueabi --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi</pre> Now, it shows how you can download the GNU Hello program and build for your device <br><br>See log example:<pre>$ wget
$ tar xzvf hello-2.4.tar.gz
$ cd hello-2.4
src/hello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.
$ scp src/hello root@
</pre>=== Demos (version 20101124) ===
=== Demos (version 20101124) ===
==== Rootfs demos using an NFS-TFTP environment for IGEP v2 ====
IGEP SDK Virtual Machine comes with 2 installed demos: * poky-image-sato (271M)* poky-image-minimal (137M) <br>
You could find these demo on TFTP (Linux kernel) and NFS (rootfs) exported directories.
* TFTP exported Linux kernels at "/srv/tftp/poky/poky-image-XXXXX/igep0020/uImage" files<pre>jdoe@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/inetd.conf
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /srv/tftp
</pre><br> * NFS exported rootfs at "/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-XXXXX/igep0020/" directories
*NFS exported rootfs at "/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-XXXXX/igep0020/" directories<pre>jdoe@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/exports
# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
# to NFS clients. See exports(5).
/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-sato/igep0020 *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,sync)
/srv/nfs/poky/poky-image-minimal/igep0020 *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,sync)
</pre>If you want use these demos, IGEPv2 should boot with network TFTP+NFS method. Let show it:
If you want use these demos, IGEPv2 should boot with network TFTP+NFS method.Let show it:* 1) Open [[Serial_Debug_ConsoleSerial Debug Console|debug serial port]] and configure U-Boot environment variables. Press any key when you see:<pre>Hit any key to stop autoboot: 5 </pre> Bootlog:<pre>60
Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.4-0 (Oct 21 2010 - 21:21:22)
Net: smc911x-0
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 5
</pre>* 2) Now, you are inside U-Boot prompt. Configure U-Boot environment variables with:<pre>U-Boot # setenv project poky-image-sato
U-Boot # setenv machine igep0020
U-Boot # saveenv
OneNAND: Saved environment to 0x00200000
U-Boot #
</pre> All your environment variables should be similar to:<pre>U-Boot # printenv
mmc-bootargs=setenv bootargs ${bootargs-base} root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait
mmc-boot=mmc init 0; if fatload mmc 0 0x80000000 boot.ini; then source; else if fatload mmc 0 0x80000000 uImage; then run mmc-bootargs; bootm 0x80000000; fi; fi
onenand-bootargs=setenv bootargs ${bootargs-base} root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=jffs2 &nbsp;; run addiponenand-boot=run onenand-bootargs; onenand read 0x80000000 0x280000 0x300000 &nbsp;; bootm 0x80000000nfs-bootargs=setenv bootargs ${bootargs-base} root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${serverip}:/srv/nfs/${distro}/${project}/${machine} &nbsp;; run addip
nfs-boot=if ping ${serverip}; then run nfs-bootargs; tftp 0x80000000 ${distro}/${project}/${machine}/uImage; bootm 0x80000000; fi;
bootcmd=run mmc-boot; run nfs-boot; run onenand-boot
Environment size: 1248/524284 bytes
</pre> Now, we can boot with TFTP+NFS method<pre>U-Boot # run nfs-boot
smc911x: detected LAN9221 controller
smc911x: phy initialized
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Loading Kernel Image ...
* 3) When you get system up, login and check your boot method
See "root=/dev/nfs" and "nfsroot=" in boot Linux cmdline string parameter:
OpenedHand Linux (Poky) 3.3.1 igep0020 ttyS2
console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-16@60 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip=
=== HOWTOs === 
This section describes related manuals and HOWTOs.
==== The bootloader X-loader ==== [[The_bootloader_XThe bootloader X-loader|This HOWTO]] should be readed for advanced developers who wants hacking first stage bootloader. ==== The bootloader U-Boot ==== [[The_bootloader_UThe bootloader U-Boot|This HOWTO]] should be readed for developers who wants hacking second stage bootloader and change some board features (GPIO MUX configuration, rootfs location,...) ==== The Linux kernel ==== [[The_Linux_kernelThe Linux kernel|This HOWTO]] should be readed for developers who wants hacking IGEP Linux kernel and built-in drivers. People who knows hardware and ajusts Linux kernel feature. Also, developers who add more feature to Linux kernel like network protocol, new filesystems, patching buggy Linux kernel,... ==== How to upgrade and recover the factory firmware ====
==== [[How to upgrade and recover the factory firmware ====[[How_to_upgrade_and_recover_the_factory_firmware|This HOWTO]] should be readed for USERS who wants change enviroment configuration and default boot sequence of IGEPv2. You need connect your workstation to IGEPv2 board with UART3 serial debug port (USB to serial converter + DB9-IDC cable to J960 IGEPv2 connector).
==== Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ) ====
Useful webpage is "[[Frequently_Asked_Questions_and_Their_Answers|Frequency Asked Questions]]" or [[Frequently_Asked_Questions_and_Their_Answers|FAQ]] page. Users could find common questions about IGEPv2 board and very quick answers about IGEPv2 software and hardware issues.
=== OTHER REFERENCES === ==== Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ) ==== Useful webpage is "[[Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers|Frequency Asked Questions]]" or [[Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers|FAQ]] page. Users could find common questions about IGEPv2 board and very quick answers about IGEPv2 software and hardware issues.  ==== FORUM ==== Free [[|IGEP Support Forum]] could be found a lot of knowledge. People who has some issue, they should read forum threads. Then, if you don't find anything about your issue, you should write new post.
<br> == Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine (version 20091222) == === Overview (version 20091222) === *Older IGEP SDK Virtual Machine (2009-December)
== Ubuntu 8.04 IGEP v2.0 SDK Virtual Machine (version 20091222) ===== Overview Demos (version 20091222) ===* Older IGEP SDK Virtual Machine (2009-December)
=== Demos (version 20091222) ===
==== Rootfs demos using an NFS-TFTP environment for IGEP v2 ====
<pre>$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
Now, you can power up your board, stop at u-boot, set the project variable point to poky-image-sato and boot via NFS
=== Virtual Machine Enhancements (version 20091222) ===
====Software updates====
*[;a=commit;h=949b440e52d637ef52eadb50c87e615eebd64ed4 Poky v3.2.1-0 (Fri, 19 Mar 2010)]