
The IGEP X-loader

492 bytes added, 23:49, 25 February 2011
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=== Build<br> ===
<pre>make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-</pre>=== Sign the binary x-loader ===
''You should execute contrib/signGP for sign the xloader.''
<pre>contrib/signGP x-load.bin
The signed x-loader it's named: x-load.bin.ift
</pre><br>== Build with IGEP SDK ==
=== Setup the Enviroment<br> ===<pre>source /usr/local/poky/eabi-glibc/environment-setup-arm-none-linux-gnueabi &lt;/preSetup the board settings ===&lt;pre&gt;make igep0020-sdcard_config</pre> === Build<br> ===<pre>make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-</pre> === Sign the binary x-loader ===
''You should execute contrib/signGP for sign the xloader.'' <pre>contrib/signGP x-load.binThe signed x-loader it's named: x-load.bin.ift</pre>  <br>  <br>
d) Sign x-loader <br> You should execute contrib/signGP for sign the xloader that resides inside the flash memory.<br>contrib/signGP x-load.bin<br>The signed x-loader it's named: x-load.bin.ift