
How to get the Ubuntu distribution

628 bytes removed, 11:59, 9 October 2010
Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat BETA)
Finally, umount the SD card, insert the card in your board and power up.
=== Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat BETARelease Candidate) ==='''NOTE: This will _not_ work, for two reasons: 1) there is a bug in the current kernel, which is being looked at and might get fixed very soon. 2) Maverick needs the uInitrd file in order to use the partitions properly. Without it, you will not be able to install kernel modules and other things that are essential. I will edit this page when I've tested with success -- hopefully later today, 21.09.10. ''' With latest rootstock and debootstrap, you can repeat the same steps changing only "-d jaunty" in "-d maverick" in the rootstock command. ==== Alternatively: ====
First, download the compressed image from
Next, uncompress the image with
gunzip ubuntu-netbook-10.10-rc-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.gz
gunzip ubuntu-netbook-10.10-beta-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.gz Then write the raw image to a blank SD card (the card size should be >2G)  
sudo dd if=<uncompressed image> of=/dev/mmcblk0 # change /dev/mmcblk0 with appropriate device
Remove all Current boot file but uImage from system (x-loader + u-boot + kernel) not works, so we need to replace. First download and extract this package wget ar -x linux-image-2.6.35-22-omap_2.6.35-22.34_armel_torez_2.deb tar jxf data.tar.bz2 sudo cp -fr boot lib usr /media/<rootfs> # change <bootfs> with appropriate SD rootfs and create a boot.source file like this partition
setenv bootcmd 'mmc init; fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 then, create an uImage; bootm 0x80300000'file with setenv bootargs 'mem=512M console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 omapfbmkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x80008000 -e 0x80008000 -n "Linux" -d boot/vmlinuz-2.6.mode=dvi:1024x768MR35-16@60 root=22-omap uImage cp uImage /devmedia/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait' <bootfs> # change <bootfs> with appropriate SD bootpartition
create the bootnext, download and copy x-loader from wget cp x-load-1.4.3-0.igep0020-sdcard.bin.ini ift /media/<bootfs>/MLO # change <bootfs> with appropriate SD boot partition
and finally, do the same with u-boot $ mkimage wget arm -O linux 2009.11-T script 2.igep0020.bin cp u-C none boot-a 0 arm-e 0 2009.11-n 'Boot setup script' 2.igep0020.bin /media/<bootfs>/u-d boot.source bin # change <bootfs> with appropriate SD boot.inipartition
I have only an ethernet cable, so I'm going onThe last step is copy boot. Put these lines in scr to boot.ini cp /media/rootfs/etc/rc.local&nbsp;: <brbootfs> <pre>apt-get install -y openssh-server 2&gt;&amp;1 | tee /root/installboot.loguseradd -G admin,root -s scr /binmedia/bash -m igepecho "igep:igep" | chpasswdexit 0<bootfs/pre> Check /etc/interfaces for "auto eth0", then boot the board with ethernet cable and wait some minutes. You can verify sshd status for example with (I've used a mac so nmap may differ):<br> <pre>sudo nmap -sS -PN -e &lt;interface&gt; -p22 &lt;ip&gt;ini # change </prebootfs> If you prefer passwordless ssh key authentication, create a key with ssh-keygen and copy the content of your .ssh/ in authorized_keys&nbsp;: appropriate SD boot partition
Umount bootfs and rootfs partitions, push your SD card in your IGEP socket, power up and enjoy !
<pre>* ON&nbsp;THE IGEP *$ cd /media/rootfs/home/igep$ mkdir .ssh$ chmod 700 .ssh$ touch authorized_keys$ chmod 600 authorized_keys$ cat /wherever/it/is/your's/ &gt;&gt; authorized_keys</pre> Remember to enable PubkeyAuthentication in /media/rootfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config&nbsp;:<br> <pre>PubkeyAuthentication yes</pre> ==== Minor problems<br> System Testing ====
*/etc/hosts is missing ==== Tips and generates a sudo errortricks ====
<br> ...
--- That's all folks ---