
How to get the Ubuntu distribution

878 bytes added, 04:48, 9 September 2010
Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat BETA)
Finally, umount the SD card, insert the card in your board and power up.
=== Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat BETA) ===
WORK IN PROGRESS, please contribute. First, download the compressed image from
gunzip ubuntu-netbook-10.10-beta-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.gz
Then write the raw image to a blank SD card (the card size should be >>2G)
sudo dd if=<&lt;uncompressed image> &gt; of=/dev/mmcblk0 # change /dev/mmcblk0 with appropriate device
Create Remove all file but uImage from /media/rootfs and create a boot.source file like this
setenv bootcmd 'mmc init 0 ; fatload mmc 0:1 0x80000000 0x80300000 uImage; bootm 0x80300000' setenv bootargs 'mem=512M console=ttyS2,115200n8 vramconsole=12M tty0 omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR1024x768MR-2416@60 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 fixrtcrw rootwait' bootm 0x80000000boot
create the boot.ini with
$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'Boot setup script' -d boot.source boot.ini
I have only an ethernet cable, so I'm going on.Put these lines in /media/rootfs/etc/rc.local : <br> <pre>apt-get install -y openssh-server 2&gt;&amp;1 | tee /root/install.loguseradd -G admin,root -m -pigep igepexit 0</pre>Plug the ethernet cable, switch on the board and wait some minutes. You can verify sshd status for example with (I've used a mac so nmap may differ):<br><pre>sudo nmap -sS -PN -e &lt;interface&gt; -p22 &lt;ip&gt;</pre>If you can't connect with because login password is wrong, create a key with ssh-keygen and copy the content of your .ssh/ in authorized_keys :<br><pre>* ON&nbsp;THE IGEP *$ cd /media/rootfs/home/igep$ mkdir .ssh$ chmod 700 .ssh$ touch authorized_keys$ chmod 600 authorized_keys$ cat /wherever/it/is/your's/ &gt;&gt; authorized_keys</pre>--- That's all folks ---
[[Category:Software distributionsSoftware_distributions|Ubuntu]]