
The Linux kernel

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How to cross compile the linux kernel
The ARCH variable is the architecture you're targetting as the kernel knows it. For IGEP PROCESSOR BOARDS you'll set to "arm" architecture.
Hopefully the CROSS_COMPILE variable is pretty self-explanatory. Set this to the prefix of your toolchain (including the trailing dash "-"). So if your toolchain is invoked as say arm-linux-gnueabignueabihf-gcc, just chop off that trailing gcc and that's what you use: arm-linux-gnugnueabihf-.
There is an additional variable, INSTALL_MOD_PATH, which defines where the /lib directory will be created, and all the modules stored. While you don't have to transfer the kernel sources to your target device, if you build any modules, you'll want this directory.
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=[cross compiler] [defconfig]
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=[cross compiler] zImage modules<br>Newest kernels with dtb support included should use this option for can require build all dabsthe dtbs too as:<br> make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=[cross compiler] zImage modules dtbs  
The result will be a zImage file in arch/arm/boot directory. You can install the kernel modules to your target rootfs