
Debian distro

150 bytes added, 21:45, 24 June 2019
if you're idea is build ubuntu packages then you need install other packages
<pre>sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts dh-make quilt autogen autoconf dh-autoreconf dh-buildinfo dh-make pkg-configkernel-package debootstrap
A [ pbuilder] environment is a chrooted environment which can have a different distro series or architecture than your host system.
<pre>sudo apt-get install pbuilder pbuilder-scripts qemu-user-staticdebian-keyring debian-archive-keyring ubuntu-keyring emdebian-archive-keyring debian-ports-archive-keyring</pre>
Create ~/.pbuilderrc file with your own pbuilder setup script, upu can use below script:
OS: Either debian, raspbian, or ubuntu
DIST: For example wheezy, jessie, trusty, stretch ...
ARCH: For example amd64, i386, armel, or armhf
 <pre>sudo OS=debian DIST=wheezy ARCH=amd64 pbuilder --create
sudo OS=debian DIST=wheezy ARCH=i386 pbuilder --create
sudo OS=debian DIST=wheezy ARCH=armel pbuilder --create
sudo OS=debian DIST=wheezy ARCH=armhf pbuilder --create