
Linux Kernel 3.14.28.y

606 bytes added, 09:20, 1 June 2016
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make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=[path to your target rootfs] modules_install
You can '''install''' the zImage in ../arch/arm/boot/ to your target rootfs :
cp zImage [path to your target rootfs/boot]
You can '''install''' the zImage in ../arch/arm/boot/ to your target boot :
cp zImage [path to your target boot]
You can '''install''' the dtb in ../arch/arm/boot/dts to your target rootfs. You can choose the dtb you need to your machine. In this case we have the rb2 machine:
cp imx6q-igep-base0040rb2.dtb [path to your target rootfs/boot]
You can '''install''' the dtb in ../arch/arm/boot/dts to your target boot:
cp imx6q-igep-base0040rb2.dtb [path to your target boot]