
Linux Kernel 2.6.37.y - Wilink 8

612 bytes added, 19:02, 28 May 2015
Build kernel from sources
'''Download''' the latest stable version sources and follow next steps:
git clone gitwget cd linux37-10-omapwilink8-20.tar.6gz git checkout origin/tar xzf linux-omap-2.6.37.y-10-wilink8 -b linux-20.6tar.37.y-wilink8 gz cd [kernel version] 
'''Configure''' Linux kernel for IGEP devices. IGEP is ARM architecture based device. A generic configuration is provided for all IGEP machines, and can be used as the default by
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=[your cross compiler] INSTALL_MOD_PATH=[path to your target rootfs] modules_install
'''Download''' the Compat-Wireless version sources and follow next steps:
tar xzf compat-wireless-wilink8-0.tar.gz
cd compat-wireless-wilink8-0
'''Check''' and modify (if it is needed) the environment file (setup-env-wl18xx-rmd):
source setup-env-wl18xx-rmd
'''Compile''' the Compat-Wireless modules:
make KLIB_BUILD=${KLIB_BUILD} modules
'''install''' the compat-wireless modules to your target rootfs
make KLIB_BUILD=${KLIB_BUILD} KLIB=${ROOTFS} install-modules
= Kernel Parameters =