

32 bytes added, 11:39, 31 December 2013
Create a new file with this content:
echo "Setting environment for armel cross-compile"
export DEB_BUILD_ARCH=armel
export DEB_HOST_ARCH=armel
Save it as file with the name enviroment
source enviroment
Enter in the linaro ubuntu directory and for build you should do:
>> cd ${linaro}
>> fakeroot/rules clean
>> fakeroot/rules binary-linaro-omap
 </pre>  = Download<br> = The package be available in the IGEPv2 download area.
= How to Build<br> =
= Install =
Copy the "target" directory inside your IGEP board( rcp * jdoe@192. 168.2.1: )
Inside IGEPv2 board you should copy the gst plugin inside the plugins directory, normally inside /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10
<pre>This is a suggested configuration:
bootargs-base=mem=430M console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 vram=32M omapfb.vram=0:8M,1:16M,2:8M
</pre><br>  = Issues detected in this version = *The path file cannot contain any "." dot due a xdctools BUG. *make clean (dsplink) not work properly and it's necessary to do a make dsplink_clean for ensure all it's compiled correctly.
= Useful Links =
= Download*[[GStreamer|Gstreamer]] *[[Example_GStreamer_Pipelines]]<br> =
The package be available in the IGEPv2 download area.
<span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">01-ISEE_Products --&gt; IGEPv2 --&gt; SW_Tools_SDK --&gt; igep_gst
--&gt; igep-dsp-gst-framework-2_00_20.tgz</span><br>
= Issues detected in this version =
*The path file cannot contain any "." dot due a xdctools BUG.
*make clean (dsplink) not work properly and it's necessary to do a make dsplink_clean for ensure all it's compiled correctly.