
IGEPv5 Ubuntu Distro

9 bytes added, 20:26, 18 March 2014
Special Warning about MicroSD Card and eMMc
The microsd card uses the interface mmc as the eMMC in some cases as when you boot from your microsd card the lsblk command can show you two mmc devices:
/dev/mmcblk0 <br>/dev/mmcblk1<br>
Normally the 0 is the boot device (from where you boot), if you use the microsd card for boot : /dev/mmcblk0 and the eMMC is the /dev/mmcblk1 but if you boot from the eMMC and insert the microsd card then the eMMC is /dev/mmcblk0 and the microsd card be /dev/mmcblk1