
IGEPv5 Ubuntu 12.04.4 release 20140314

14 bytes added, 13:18, 26 March 2014
ubuntu-core-12.04.4-isee-20140314-armhf :: Changelog
* Install nano editor 2.2.6-1
* Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
** Added universe and multiverse repositories and ISEE repositories
* Edit /etc/hosts
- **Added localhost - **Added localhost.localdomain - **Added localhost ipv6
* Install net-tools 1.60-24.1ubuntu2
* Install netbase 4.47ubuntu1
* Install dhcpcd 1:3.2.3-9ubuntu1
* Edit /etc/network/interfaces
- ** Added auto eth0 - ** Added iface eth0 init dhcp
* Install sudo 1.8.3p1-1ubuntu3.4
* Install dialog 1.1-20111020-1