
How to use UARTs

43 bytes removed, 12:38, 3 September 2012
Compile and run program
#define GPIO1 158
#define GPIO2 162</pre>
Constant SIZE: it determines the max number of chars sended<br> .
Constant DEBUG: it can break program infinite loop part, useful to debug some errors: 0 (infinite loop) or positive number determines loop max entrances .
Constant WAIT: it configures select max timein seconds.
Constants GPIO1 and GPIO2: they configure GPIOs used for debug via oscilloscope. Default By default, 158 and 162 values are free not used in IGEPv2 J990 connector. make sure that if youuse other GPIO configure Configure [[Mux configuration|mux]] properly,<br> if you use other GPIOs.
Once you have installed module. Compile program using your Cross Compiler, I used arm-linux-gnueabi-:
<pre>arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc uart-test-beta1.c -o uart-test-beta1 </pre>