
How to use I2C

365 bytes removed, 18:26, 16 January 2012
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Compile program using your Cross Compiler, i used arm-linux-gnueabi-:
<pre>arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc parse-edid-beta2.c -o parse-edid-beta2</pre>
Make sure that has the same path as parse-edid-beta2.c.<br> Run program as root. <br>  <br>  <br>  NOTE: This program is a beta version, it decodes E-EDID Standard Release A, Revision 1 using i2c-dev driver. There are some functionalitise that are not implemented (see code comments) and other new ones that appear in other revisions. Besides it only parse the first EDID 128 bytes. (put this in overview)not pretends educational purpouse.
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