
How to setup tvp5151 video decoder

11 bytes added, 13:50, 12 May 2011
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<pre>./media-ctl --set-format '"tvp5150 2-005c":0 [UYVY 720x628]'
= Play with TVP5151<br> =
You can use for get the captured images [ yavta] or gstreamer as live stream.<br>
This is the suggested yavta capture setup:<br>
<pre>./yavta -f UYVY -s 720x628 -n 4 --capture=4 -F /dev/video2
</pre>or the gstreamer pipeline setup:<br><pre>gst-launch-0.10 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 queue-size=2 1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,format=\(fourcc\)UYVY,width=720,height=628 &nbsp;! omapdmaifbsink</pre> 
= Dependeces<br> =