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How to setup a cross compiler

5 bytes removed, 16:47, 14 August 2012
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IGEP SDK can be integrated with multiple IDEs, but the simplest method to prove it is using terminal:
*Create source code text file:
First of all you need to initialize a suitable environment in the bash shell console inside your virtual machine. <br> You can do this sourcing once the environment-setup script.
<pre>jdoe@ubuntu ~ $ source /opt/poky/1.2/environment-setup-armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi </pre>
Create a single .c file (hello-world.c), using your preferred editor (vi, nano, gedit, ...) <br> hello-world.c:
*Build arm binary executable:
Cross toolchain tools are available into the built-in virtual machine Poky SDK. You only need open bash terminal prompt and write commands:
hello-world: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, not stripped</pre>
*Transfer arm executable file from virtual machine to IGEPv2 board
*Execute arm executable file inside IGEP Board (remote shell):<br>
<pre>root@igep00x0:~# ./hello-world
Hello world&nbsp;!</pre>
[[Category:Work_in_progress]] [[Category:Development_tools]] [[Category:How_to_forge]]