Start developing under IGEP Technology


This page contains many resources and general information to start developing under IGEP Technology. The next table is a quick access to the most rated articles in the IGEP Community Wiki. If you are looking for general information, scroll down this page to the Welcome section.

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IGEP Firmware

IGEP SDK Peripherals & connectors





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Development tools

Software Distributions

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First of all, welcome to the IGEP Community Wiki!

This is a collaborative site for developers like you that share their knowledge of the IGEP Technology.

What are you looking for?

I have a new board. How do I start? Pick the tutorial of your board in the tutorial guides, and setup you board with the step by step procedures.
I just want to start developing You are in the right place. This page will guide through the available resources and to know how start developing.
I have a specific question There might already be an article about it in the IGEP Community Wiki. Use the search box or check the FAQ, the Glossary and the Site Map.
I can't find what I am looking for Please ask a question or leave your feedback in the IGEP Community Forum or the IGEP Community Chat. Check other available resources here.
I need professional support Do you need support with your project? Are you looking for a custom design? Contact the ISEE Developing Team.

Introducing the developing tools for IGEP Technology

All IGEP Technology devices have many free developing tools and resources. Here is a little introduction to this developing environment:

IGEP SDK Virtual Machine

The IGEP SDK Virtual Machine is a ready to use virtual machine that includes all the developer tools for IGEP Technology. You can download it for free from the ISEE website.


  • Includes the official Software Development Kit (SDK) from ISEE with:
    • IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain (see description below)
    • Eclipse IDE with Yocto Plug-in and Linux Tools
    • Qt creator IDE


  • Best choice for beginners
  • All components are already installed and configured to speed up your developing process
  • Suitable for VMware and Virtualbox. Compatible with Windows/Linux/MacOS host

First steps

  1. Download the IGEP SDK Virtual Machine from the ISEE website
  2. Follow the steps of the IGEP SDK Virtual Machine manual
  3. Know more in the IGEP SDK Virtual Machine article

IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain

The IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain consists on a set of all necessary tools like a cross compiler, embedded libraries, etc. to compile program sources for IGEP devices from a different device, such a PC. You can download it for free from the ISEE website.

The IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain is already installed and configured in the IGEP SDK Virtual Machine (see description above).


  • Compile your projects for IGEP Technology in your own Linux computer
  • It can be integrated with some popular IDEs such Eclipse, QT Creator and Codeblocks


  • Easy to install
  • Develop in your own Linux machine

What's included


An Interactive Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.

IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain is compatible with the following IDEs:

  • Eclipse: multi-language software development environment comprising an IDE and an extensible plug-in system. This IDE is a Complete solution with debugging capabilities
  1. If you are using the IGEP SDK Virtual Machine visit: How to develop with Eclipse IDE under IGEP Technology
  2. If you want to install Eclipse in your computer visit: How to install Eclipse IDE
  • QT Creator: This IDE is focused to develop graphical applications:
  1. If you are using the IGEP SDK Virtual Machine visit: How to develop with Qt under IGEP Technology
  2. If you want to install Eclipse in your computer visit: How to install Qt Creator
  • Codeblocks: This IDE is an open source cross-platform IDE which supports multiple compilers including GCC and MSVC.
  1. Know how to install and use Codeblocks in your IGEP SDK Virtual Machine (not installed by default)

Hardware Virtualization

Computer hardware virtualization is the virtualization of computers or operating systems. It hides the physical characteristics of a computing platform from users, instead showing another abstract computing platform. IGEP Processor Boards are compatible with:

  • QEMU: it lets run Run your projects applications for IGEP Technology in your own computer

First steps

  1. Download the IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain from the ISEE website
  2. Download the Software Reference Manual
  3. Follow the steps of the IGEP SDK Yocto Toolchain article
  4. Visit the QEMU article in the IGEP Community Wiki

IGEP DSP Gstreamer Framework

The IGEP DSP Gstreamer Framework provides all DSP essential packages and the "gstreamer DSP plugin" ready to use with all IGEP Technology Devices. You can download from the ISEE website.


  • Based on TI DVSDK
  • Focus development efforts on "WOW" features of an application rather than spending time on base functionality.
  • Enable DaVinci and OMAP devices to use existing applications built on top of GStreamer.
  • Leverage the modular design to decrease the time required to develop new applications and enable more re-use of existing code

First steps

  1. Download the IGEP DSP Gstreamer Framework from the ISEE website
  2. Visit the Gstreamer category in the IGEP Community Wiki

Introducing the IGEP Firmware

About the preinstalled Firmware

All brand new IGEP Processor Boards have a preinstalled firmware provided and installed on it by ISEE.

By default, if you power up your board it will run the software on the flash. But you can prepare a MicroSD card and boot from it by inserting it to the MicroSD card reader of your IGEP Processor Board, as it has more priority than the flash.

The pre-installed software consists of:

  • The IGEP X-loader: a bootloader compatible with all IGEP Processor Boards.
  • IGEP Linux Kernel: a Linux Kernel maintained by ISEE.
  • IGEP firmware Yocto: the software distribution consists of a lite X Window System and GNOME Mobile based applications created with Yocto tools.

Update the preinstalled software

If you wish to update to the latest available version of the pre-installed software you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest firmware from ISEE in a Linux PC.
  2. Run a script that will automatically setup and create a MicroSD card with the latest software in your host PC.
  3. Then boot your IGEP Processor Board from that MicroSD card you have just created.
  4. Finally, you can write the updated software from the MicroSD to the flash memory on your IGEP device.

Create a MicroSD Card with a different software distribution

You can create a custom MicroSD with a different software distribution. The article How to boot from MicroSD Card will guide you in the process of creating a MicroSD. For more information go to software distributions category

Community and official support resources

There are many different available support resources. Visit the Resources page to find out what you are looking for.

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