How to install Eclipse IDE

Revision as of 16:07, 2 October 2012 by Agustí Fontquerni (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 16:07, 2 October 2012 by Agustí Fontquerni (talk | contribs)


Eclipse is a multi-language software development environment comprising an integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in system. It is written mostly in Java. It can be used to develop applications in Java and, by means of various plug-ins, other programming languages including Ada, C, C++, COBOL, Haskell, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Android and Scheme. One of these interesting plugins is the Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in.

The Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in integrates the functionality of the Yocto Project Application Development Toolkit (ADT) and toolchain into the Eclipse IDE. This allows its users direct access to deploy, build, run and debug your own project. More information about Eclipse software here.

NOTE: If you use IGEP SDK Virtual Machine you don't need to follow this guide, go directly to How to develop with Eclipse IDE under IGEP technology


Information.jpg This guide was tested under Linux Mint Lisa 12, Eclipse 3.7 Indigo and Yocto IDE Plug-in 1.2


Install Java Runtime Environment

Eclipse IDE has Java dependencies. Java Runtime Environment should be installed, but if you don't have it type next command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre

Install Eclipse IDE

Download Eclipse 3.7 Indigo for C/C++ Linux Developers, choose 32 or 64 bits version depends your machine.

You maybe want to install "build-essential" package to test programs in your Host computer. Install it using the next command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential 

Extract Eclipse binaries, in my case the downloaded file is located at Downloads folder:

jdoe@ubuntu ~/Downloads $ tar xzf eclipse-linuxtools-indigo-incubation-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C ~/ 

Install Yocto SDK


Open Eclipse IDE

Eclipse binaries are located inside ~/eclipse folder. Open IDE clicking eclipse executable file, at first program execution you should configure "workspace" directory.

Eclipse open.png Eclipse loading.png
Eclipse set workspace.png Eclipse workspace.png

Click to enlarge image

Update Eclipse IDE

You should update Eclipse IDE before install plugins:

  • Go to Help menu -> Check for Updates...
  • Follow the assistant and restart Eclipse program
Eclipse update1.png Eclipse update2.png Eclipse update3.png
Eclipse update4.png Eclipse update5.png Eclipse update6.png

Click to enlarge image

Install Linux tools

Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in has Linux Tools Plug-in dependencies, so you need to install Linux tools first:

  • Go to Help menu -> Install New Software...
  • Click "Avaliable Software Sites" inside Install window
  • Enable Linux Tools in software site list and click OK
  • Select Linux Tools in Work with list.
  • Mark Linux Tools software
  • Follow the assistant and restart Eclipse program
Eclipse linuxtools1.png Eclipse linuxtools2.png Eclipse linuxtools3.png Eclipse linuxtools4.png
Eclipse linuxtools5.png Eclipse linuxtools6.png Eclipse linuxtools7.png Eclipse linuxtools8.png

Click to enlarge image

Install Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in

Now is time to install Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in:

Eclipse linuxtools1.png Eclipse yocto2.png Eclipse yocto3.png Eclipse yocto4.png
Eclipse yocto5.png Eclipse yocto6.png Eclipse yocto7.png Eclipse linuxtools8.png

Click to enlarge image

Configure Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in

Yocto Eclipse IDE Plug-in is not configured by default:

  • Go to Window menu -> Preferences
  • Select Yocto Project ADT and fill configuration like image below
  • Apply changes
Eclipse configyocto1.png Eclipse configyocto2.png

Click to enlarge image

Set up a connection between IGEP and Host computer

Now you can compile programs for IGEP devices, but it is necessary configure a connection between IGEP and Host machine to debug/run applications remotely:

  • Go to Window menu -> Open Perspective -> Other...
  • Select Remote System Explorer
  • In "Remote System" window, right click: New -> Connection...
  • Select TCF system type
  • In "Host Name" field type your <IGEP IP address>
  • In TCF Connection Settings properties change Login:Required and Pwd.Required values to true
Eclipse network1.png Eclipse network2.png Eclipse network3.png Eclipse network4.png
Eclipse network5.png Eclipse network6.png Eclipse network7.png Eclipse network8.png

Click to enlarge image