Peripherals Summary

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This article pretends explain the capabilities of most used peripherals in IGEPv2.

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UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) convert parallel data from system bus to serial data through a port. At the destination, a second UART re-assembles this data. Each UART contains a shift register which is the fundamental method of conversion between serial and parallel forms. External signals may be of many different forms, IGEPv2 can handle RS232 and RS485 but not all pads have these standards, Omap UART peripheral use CMOS level voltage (1V8). Omap UART peripheral use four signals:

- UART TX: Transmit signal.

- UART RX: Receive signal.

- UART RTS: Ready to send, used in RS485 and unidirectional  communication.

- UART CTS: Clear to send, used in RS485 and unidirectional  communication.

The speed transmion data is mesured in bauds per second, for example Kernel console params uses 115200 bps (equivalent to 14 Kbytes per second). The speed can set up from 300 bauds to 3686400 bauds.

How to use UARTs


How to use GPIOs Example: What can I do with IGEP0020#How_to_handle_the_gpio-LED.27s


How to use SPI


Under contruction


Under contruction


How to use I2C