How to boot from MicroSD Card

Revision as of 20:34, 1 June 2011 by Manel Caro (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 20:34, 1 June 2011 by Manel Caro (talk | contribs)



This how to explains how to boot IGEPv2 or IGEP Module using a microSD card.


OMAP35xx or DM37xx processors can boot from a microSD. IGEPv2 or IGEP Module uses the microSD card as highest boot priority, it means that the processor try to boot from the microsd card before try to boot from other devices such the OneNand.

Exist some rules for boot from a microSD card.

  • The microsd card must be content at latest 2 partitions.
  • The first one must be primary partition with the boot flag mark and formated using FAT filesystem.
  • All names used in this partition must be msdos names, it means you cannot use a extended names.
  • The processor must load a first program called MLO, this program must reside in the first partition, this program it's also called x-loader.

The processor ONLY load and execute the MLO program and ignore all the rest.


  • PC with Linux (We use for this how to Ubuntu 11.04)
  • MicroSD Card (4 Gbytes - class 4)
  • Tools such, fdisk, mkfs.ext3, mkfs.vfat, gparted ...

Preparing the microSD card

Insert a new microsd card in your PC, you should see in your dmesg somthing like this after insert a new microsd card:

mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 0001
mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 00000 3.79 GiB
mmcblk0: unknown partition table

Ensure all in your microsd card it's erased:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 count=1024
[sudo] password for jdoe:
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.43556 s, 2.4 MB/s

Install GParted

We will use the gparted program for create the partitions, if you don't have this program installed then you must install it with this command:

sudo apt-get install gparted


When the install procedure ends you can call the program from your system tools menu or directly using a terminal console.

Gparted initial.png
Create the MSDOS Partition Table

The next step it's create the msdos table partition for it you should click in the "Device" menu and then in the "Create Partition Table" option.

Gparted create msdos table partition.png
Check the default option it's create a msdos partition table after that you can apply.

Create the BOOT Partition

The Next step it's create the partitions for it you should go to the partition menu and select the "New" option then the application show a window like this:

Gparted create first partition.png
We will configure the partition as:
  • Primary Partition
  • Format: FAT32
  • Size: 100 MegaBytes
  • Label: Boot

Gparted configure boot partition.png
We must "add" the partition and gparted shows a partitions structure like this.

Create the ROOTFS Partition

The Next step it's create the root filesystem partition.

First you should select the unallocated partition area and then  you should go to the partition menu and select the "New" option then the application show a window like this:
Gparted create first partition.png
We will configure the rootfs partition as:
  • Primary Partition
  • Format: EXT4
  • Size: All the Rest
  • Label: Rootfs

At end we will click on "Add" button.

Gparted all configured.png

Apply all Changes

Clink on Apply changes button in the main menu after that gparted show a window like this for confirm all operations

Gparted apply changes.png
We should click on apply button.
Gparted apply information.png
When the process finish we can see all changes applied
Gparted operations complete.png

Now we can see all partitions and configurations done in the main gparted window

Gparted partitions done.png
Select "Boot flag" for the boot partition

Now we must select the boot flag for the first partition for it we use the right mouse button over the boot partition and select "Manage Flags" option

Gparted boot flag.png
Now we have the microsd prepared for copy the boot files

Boot Partition Structure

We commented in the theory point the OMAP needs only the MLO (x-loader) file for boot, we will start checking this point.

Before you follow the next points you should mount the microsd boot partition in your host pc.

Select the boot partition and mount it in your host.

Microsd partitions.png

X-Loader (MLO)

You can follow this other howto about the IGEP-X-loader.

Copy the x-loader.bin.ift into the boot partition.

Copy Xloader.png

Rename the x-loader.bin.ift to MLO

Rename Xloader to MLO.png
Now we're ready for test the board boot from the microsd card.

X-Loader Boot

We will eject the boot and rootfs partitions from our Host PC, this step it's a lot important due the Linux must sync all changes before eject the microsd card.

We will insert our microSD card into the IGEP board, connect the serial debug cable and open the serial terminal

Putty Serial Configuration.png
Power UP the board.
IGEP-X-Loader Boot.png