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IGEPv2 Ubuntu Distro

284 bytes added, 16:17, 6 June 2014
no edit summary
The Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS distribution can be downloaded from here or if you want to use the hard float version you should use this other link.<br>
The first boot must be done using this package, inside you've the bootloader, igep.ini and temporary kernel.
You can download [ this script] for create the right partitions in the microsd card (Only is valid for microsd card, it cannot be used for prepare the raw Nand flash)
== Prepare the Enviroment<br> ==
=== Check if you've the packages bc and dosfstools<br> ===
Verify that you've installed both packages as:<br>
apt-get install bc dosfstools<br>
=== Prepare the MicroSD card<br> ===
Insert the microsd card in your host, after that you should see any similar to this output:<br>