
Getting started with IGEP MODULE

252 bytes removed, 10:58, 24 November 2010
upgrade from 3.3.1-3 to 3.3.1-4
== Updating and flashing the firmware ==
'''Latest is: Poky 3.3.1-3 4 (/etc/timestamp version - 201011081439201011231641)'''
Updating the firmware is done using a SD card, first we will create a minimal SD card and copy latest firmware image into the SD card
mkdir workdir && cd workdir
wget wget
chmod +x poky-media-create
Next, insert your SD card into the host machine and ensure you know the device node for your sd card reader. In the following example we assume /dev/mmcblk0. If you are unsure of the device node of your SD card, remove and reinsert the card and type dmesg on the command line. The last few lines should give you the device node of the card you just inserted.
./poky-media-create --mmc /dev/mmcblk0 --binary poky-media-minimal-igep0030-sdcard-3.3.1-34.tar.gz
Now it's time to download needed packages and copy into SD card
wget wget mkdir disk && sudo mount /dev/sdb2 mmcblk0p2 disk sudo tar xzf poky-media-minimal-igep0030-flash-3.3.1-34.tar.gz -C disk/home/root/ sudo cp u-boot-env_2010.06-0-r0_igep0030.ipk disk/home/root
sudo umount disk && rmdir disk
Connect to device
ssh -l root
Some packages are missing in SD image, we should install
opkg install u-boot-env_2010.06-0-r0_igep0030.ipk
Next, enter into firmware directory
cd poky-media-minimal-igep0030-flash-3.3.1-34
By default the script test fulls OneNAND, it takes a long time and it's not really necessary, we should speed up the flash process editing the script and commenting next lines